i would never guess

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Hey my lovely readers this chapter is especially long just for you :) , enjoy SB.

"you know i do wonder what Ethan would do , how he would act if he ever found out his beloved best friend captured his wife , pitty he wont , well in your case it is" Damien taunted me as he pushed his pointy pocket knife under my chin , i sucked in a sharp breathe as i felt the pressure against my skin increasing , "yes it would be a pitty when he does find out" i snarled back at him , teeth baring like a wild animal. "i wont be too sure about that , you may leave here tongue less that i if you ever do get out" he snickered along with his little minions who were guarding the door , "My boss will be here soon , to see the famous 'Sabrina' " i felt a shiver run down my spine at just the thought of having to meet another sycopath like Damien himself , i spat on the floor infront of him just an inch before his foot "thats what i think of you and your kind" venom and disgust seeping through my voice , "my kind ? i didnt know i had a kind always thought i was pretty unique-" he muttered to himself but loud enough to indicate he was still directing it to me , -" guess im not, so please do elaborate on what you call , my kind?" , "sick , twisted people , or shall i say sadist's?" i said giving back the sass, " you will not call me such things UNLESS ! Unless you want your pretty little neck snapped in two" he shouted furiously , making me mentally laugh knowing i had got to him. "Short tempered aswell now ey ?" i questioned in what seemed to be curiousity but i could care less about him i just wanted to get home , before i knew both his hands were firmly wrapped around my "pretty little neck" , "Id watch what i said if i were you GIRL , especially since your not in a place where you have any allies to protect you" , "HANDS OF THE GIRL" spoke a powerful voice , i guess we were both too busy biting each others heads of we didnt hear the door open.

"Sir i thought you'd inform me before you came to see her" Damien asked turning his back to me to look at this so called 'BOSS' of his , "Inform you ?- he said and then let out a LOUD HAUNTING laugh -who are you my dad?" he finished before laughing again, " now move so i can get a look at the pretty little thing that you got me instead of ETHAN CRAWFORDS MOTHER !" he said back in a loud , clear , stern voice. I could literally feel the fear radiating from Damien who'm had stepped to the side to let his boss forward , i had my face hung low , just waiting impatiently to get this over with , id been here for 2 days now, two tourturing long days , full of blows to the face , im sure i was sporting a few blueish , purple bruises here and there... a finger was placed under my chin , a familar feel , did i know this person ? i thought as my face was pushed up with that single finger into the eyes of crystal blue .. "Uncle" i whispered nearly incoherent with how quietly i had said it , his eyes scanned my face before looking back into my eyes , "Sabrina , how on earth did you land yourself here , Damien surely you have the wrong person?!" he said turning his head to the left where Damien stood silently observing our encounter , " why no this is Sabrina Crawford , Ethans wife , you had asked for her right?" he asked , "i want her in my office as soon as possible, get those ropes of her and get her a hot bath , clothed in the finest clothes we have in this place and then straight to me , understood?!" he said before taking fast strides out of the room.

I scrubbed at my skin with the hot pink bath lily a maid had given to me the same one who brought my clothes and placed it in the little chair that currently sat in the corner of this bathroom , i was blindfolded until i was put in this single cute bathroom , it had flowery detailing on the bathroom tiles , cream coloured theme it was , nice and cosy , i wonder where i was , why i was here , what my uncle Adam was doing here , why had he kidnapped me to this place? , there was so many questions swarming my head. I tugged at the black and white stripped maxi dress i was given by the maid and then i adjusted the black scarf also given around my neck , letting my wet hair to air dry, once i was sure i had all my dirty belongings i walked to the bathroom door and knocked on it rapidly "Im done!" i shouted , sure there was atleast two security guars behind  the door outside, the door was pulled open and i was grabbed and turned around to face the bathtub that still had some soapy water going down in swirls , "blindfold" the guy who grabbed me grunted as he tied a silk blindfold over my eyes.

"Well uncle , care to tell me why im here?" i asked once i was in his office and he had instructed his men out of the room , it was a fairly nice office , tidy , expencive looking room , stacks of paper placed ontop of his desk , a seating area with a coffee table too , then a red mahogony chair infront of his desk which sat before his desk which had his own luxury white leather armed chair behind it with none other then my uncle sat in it , "Take a seat Sabrina dear" he said in his fatherly voice finally the one i was always familar with , well until i got kicked out and i hadn't seen him since then , "On that stiff chair , i rather not , how about we go to those chairs over there" i said raising an eyebrow at him in suggestment , "As you wish" he said following me to the red cosy looking chairs i said on the long one and he sat in one of the singles infront of me ,"so where do i begin?" he asks clearly to himself as he strokes his short trimmed beard with his thumb and index finger .....

"In my 45 years id never think of my darling niece to get married to an Undercover agent."

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