Pregnant Stacey

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I let out a full hearted laugh at the video playing on Stacey's TV screen , I had come to visit her to see how she is with her being pregnant and all , we had a lovely catch up and then she suggested the most wonderful thing , LETS WATCH ETHANS BABY VIDEOS and I was literally clutching my stomach unable to breathe because it was too funny and Ethan was absolute adorable as a baby , on the screen a 2 year old Ethan was currently walking around the garden in just his nappy and his moms red heels I turned to look at Ethan who sat beside me with his face shoved into one of Stacey's fluffy lilac cushions I silently laughed at him and then turned to look back at the screen.

I cut into the roast chicken as Stacey drizzled some more gravy over it , taking my first bite I mentally moaned into my head , "This is delicious Stacey" I said after swallowing , "Thank you , this is Isaacs favourite , roast chicken" Stacey said smiling down at the thought of her husband , Stacey and Isaac had a beautifully strong relationship it was amazing and I admired them so much. "How's work been for you my dear brother" Stacey asked Ethan in typical posh English accent , we were English but our accents weren't as posh as the queens , Ethan lifted his eyes which were previously fixated on his food to his sister , "it's been good I guess since I've got more work done than I have before with Sabrina making sure I get my ass up and go to work" Ethan replied laughing at the end his eyes grazing mind for a split second when he mentioned my name , "well that's great to know someone can keep my brother in check" Stacey laughed. The sound of keys were heard from outside Stacey front door and not even 10 seconds later Isaac came strolling in looking as businessman like as ever all three of us were just sat down on the sofas since we were literally so full from all the delightful food Stacey had cooked for us , Isaac made his way over to Ethan who got up and gave him a one arm hand shake and side hug thingamajig that guys do before he came over to me and ruffled my hair like I was a little kid , "you alright kiddo" he mocked , "your only 5 years older than me so hush mr" I shot back , he laughed at my defensive tone "you know I'm only joking" he said and I gave him a playful smirk indicating I knew he was joking I scooted over to give him space so he could sit next to his wife.

"Think it's about time we go don't you think?" I asked Ethan as I leaned into his shoulder I was so tired my eyes began to droop , it was now eleven thirty and we were still in Stacey's house and I was ready to go home or else I'll end up crashing over on her sofa , "oh you have to go so soon" Stacey pouted she was currently snuggled against Isaac's side a purple fluffy blanket placed over her huge stomach , "yeah I think it's getting late but don't worry missy remember we have a lovely day planned tomorrow" I smiled thinking about how much fun tomorrow will be , we thought we'd take a lovely visit to the spa in town so we can get a soothing massage and facials and manicures and pedicures etc..

"Yeah I defiantly have not forgot" Stacey squealed I laughed at her excitement , "well we'll just make our way out you guys stay snuggling" i said getting up with Ethan , Ethan went to put his coat opens shoes on giving me time to give Stacey a hug and Isaac a big high five before we left.

The journey home was pretty long since they lived in kent so I had a short nap in the car , when we made it home all I wanted to do was fly into the house and up the stairs and crash on my bed and that's exactly what I did minus the flying part.

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