father , daughter reunion

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ok sooo... just letting you all know that there is going to be about 3 more chapters until im finished OMG !! ikr haha but i think ill be starting a new story soon after umm.. not sure it'll be as big as this but i hope so , maybe even better :D Thanks for watching , enjoy - S

I let out an awkward laugh which didnt quite settle in with the cold atmosphere around us. "An undercover agent? Ethan?" I asked my tone suddently going all buisness like and serious.

 "You heard me the first time Sabrina , dont tell me you havent wondered why you haven't seen your dad in such a long time , well let me tell you .. he's not less than two doors away , he's been wanting to see his precious daughter for such a long time but this case has been taking far too long and holding him back from coming home , i do wonder how he'd react when he finds out the bait has been wafting under his nose the whole time , your my niece Sabrina you have to get yourself out of this mess, you need to divorce him. He's not who you fell in love with." My uncles voice was loud and clear but i still didn't want to believe all of this , i mentally laughed to myself , my Ethan .. an undercover agent Hah!

"I know your my uncle and i know you just want the best for me but i will not ! divorce Ethan , not until i see him and confront him myself, so do whatever you need to do to get him here. I'll be waiting" i stated before i got up from the now not so comfy red couch and made my way to the door , and opened it without having a stupid guard blind fold me but of course i found them outside the door one on each side of the door , but i finally got a view of this place , it looked like a normal buisness building , i couldnt tell it apart from the many others ive been to , for job interviews , so the need to blind fold me was completely luducris , i took a step forward without bothering to close my uncles door and walked down the marbled floor , desks scattered around to my left and right with people tapping away on their keyboards or scribbling down on papers , like a normal busy place.

I only stopped when i realised that i didnt know where to go , i turned my head behind me to the guards walking just half a foot behind me , "Carry on walking , then take your left" one of the big burly guys instructed as he briefly looked down at me from his 7 ft frame. When i had took the left turn i noticed there was only one door , without looking back i walked the few steps to the door , turned the nob , walked in and shut the door behind me. Infront of my was a lilac coloured room , with about 10 painted canvases hung on the walls which i dont doubt cost more than a million , each. The thing i found weird was the untouched king sized bed placed in the middle of the bed , why would they have a bedroom in a work place , but that was the least of my worries. I took a stroll around the room , well just pacing the lengths of it to be honest , i pushed another door open in the room and found that it was the exact bathroom i was placed in earlier on.

The sound of two loud knocks on the door woke me up from my stiff slumber on the bed i had accidently fell asleep on after contemplating about the whole situation i was in at the moment. I got up off the bed not bothering to touch up the now creased cream duvet , " come in " i spoke before i even reached the door , but i was only inches away from it. In came my dad , dressed in an expensive Armani suit , this is just crazy and surreal i thought to myself as the frown on my face deepened as i scanned him from head to toe , but i missed him so much i couldn't help flinging myself into his arms , "Dad" i cried into his shoulder my arms wrapped around him , "Sabrina" he spoke softly , but then i was out of his arms my index finger pointing at him accusingly, "WHY DAD WHY ?! why didn't you help me when mum had thrown me out ! i thought you hated me , and then you walked out with no explanaiton and waited for me to call ! " i shouted my back now facing him.

"Im sorry darling I really am , you have to understand that i didn't know he was the guy you were going out with" he spoke trying to console me as he placed a hand on my shoulder which i instantly shrugged off , " WE'RE MARRIED NOW , but you wouldn't know would you , since you never bothered to call or even attend the wedding." i laughed sarcatically at the end. I turned to face him , his face filled with apology , he opened his mouth to speak but i cut him off , " The only thing you can do now is bring Ethan to me , here , right now, and then maybe i'll reconsider letting you back into my life." i spoke menecingly , "Are you blackmailing me Sabrina ?, My own daughter?" , I looked down at my feet in guilt , "Sometimes you have to do what needs to be done , for your loved ones."

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