Unsettling feeling

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ATTENTION : Let me get this clear IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY do not comment and please make up your mind if you want to carry on reading because I've had someone COMPLAIN telling me "blah blah your not allowed any sexual contact it's haram , not even a peck" A PECK?! Oh please don't even start , also I just wanted to pop in that I won't go any further than a peck and hugs of course x - enjoy . S

"My only love sprung from my only hate" Ethan spoke in a hushed whisper as he pranced into our room which where I was sat down on the bed with a book placed in my hand , "Romeo and Juliet ? Seriously love ? How more cheesy can you get" i laughed placing my book down.

"You think that's cheesy I think that was rather romantic" Ethan answered back to my quite harsh comment "but anyways I came up here to ask you if you were up for going out tonight?", "mmmmm where too?" I asked raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow , "well I was thinking we can go to my moms for dinner she called me earlier on today and I um kind of already told her you were perfectly up for it" he quickly rushed out then put his hands up in surrender gesturing that he didn't mean too, "SERIOUSLY ETHAN" I shouted throwing a soft fuzzy cushion at him knowing it wouldn't do any harm to him.

I wiggled around on the white leather chair that was placed around Shanina's kitchen table , her kitchens was pretty modern really with all it's expensive kitchen furniture and high tech kitchen electronics , I looked up to meet Shanina staring at me questioningly having caught me staring around her kitchen so it was only right for me to drop in a compliment " you have a very beautiful kitchen Shanina" , "Thank you Sabrina , you haven't even touched your food yet?" She poked glancing down at my perfectly full plate , Sabrina had made pilau rice with a side of vegetable curry it looked delicious and smelts divine but I was having those days where I was just seeming to slip into my own thoughts , I shook my head and looked back up from the food "oh I'm just not feeling well but I will defiantly taste some it looks delicious" I smiled , teeth showing and all. Shanina's did taste as good as it looked I even asked her to text me the recipe before we had left her house since it was too good for me not to experiment on.

"What's up with you today you don't seem in the mood , have I done something wrong?" Ethan asked once we had gotten into the car , I let out a big sigh I hadn't noticed I'd been holding in and turned to face him " Ethan I really need to do something could you drop me of at my parents house" , he looked at me with a confused expression but knew better than to question me about it so he took a U turn and headed to the direction of my childhood house.

The familiar feeling of standing outside my house until my parents opened the door appeared you might be thinking whaaaah? She doesn't have her own key and yes I don't , my parents made sure I grew up being one of those goody toe shoe kids who came home right after school so I didn't ever have a reason to have my own key since I didn't go anywhere other than school or with places my parents so I was never late to need a key I had even pulled the old ancient card "what if there was an emergency or you weren't home?" And that got mom making a new copy of the house keys but not for me oh no It was for my trustworthy neighbour who i call auntie since I've known her all my life so basically my mom pretty much gave my neighbour a key and incase there was an emergency and they weren't home she could let me in , talk about not trusting your child.

I knocked on the door again for the fourth time louder then the rest this time and no more than 5 seconds later the door was pulled back revealing a stressful looking mother , my mother.
She don't the most weirdest thing though after looking at me , she pulled me into a hug a big warm motherly hug something id been craving for so long and it felt so right , she brought her hand up to my head stroking my hair "oh my darling" she mumbled I to my shoulder where her face was now buried I shakily placed my arm around her , " Mom I've missed you" I whispered tears streaming hurriedly down my face , she stepped back and looked at my broken face , sorrow filled her eyes then she placed her hand on my cheek and wiped away the tears "I'm so sorry darling i can't believe I done that , what kind of mother am I ?!" she shouted more to herself than me , I was now in the perfectly familiar front hallway of our house, Ethan was still in the car which he had parked outside my house, I know he'd wait for me he would never think of leaving me.
"He left me ,he left me said it was all my fault it was though wasn't it , yes yes it was" she mumbled like a mad women, it was starting to terrify me seeing my mother like this ,I gently placed my hands on either side on my moms shoulders forcing her to look into my eyes "mom please mom calm down what's happened ? you have to tell me, I care I'm your daughter "I pleaded , her eyes finally snapped to mine it was darting all around the room seconds ago,"your father he left me" she whispered , my heart broke hearing those words come out of her lips , that couldn't be right I was a daddy's girl ever since I was a baby girl he couldn't have just up and left without coming to see me.
I had to find him.

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