From Bully, to Lover, to I Don't Know (Request)

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I'm supposed to be cleaning my room and I did for the most part but I have this giant pile of laundry in front of me so I'm writing while hiding behind the laundry. I'm so productive. I'll just...fold while I think of what to say.

Sum: So here we got nerdified Harry and punkified Draco. I would have written this immediately after the last one but I didn't want to push the punkness of Draco together so much. Ya know? Anyways, after a bit of a rowdy party, our favorite boys have to deal with the consequences. :)
Oh, bit o'Mpreg too if you're cool with that. If not, just don't read this. Simple.

Oh, my poor dramatically melancholy Harry. 

Also I may have used this to nerd out a bit about the shows I like but who caresssssss. Oh, and Cedric it here, but like....just pretend, okay? It's already a completely different universe. 


Harry actually heard the incantation before the effects hit. Suddenly, as he was walking to class, his whole world tilted as his legs wobbled, bending in unusual ways. Harry lost his balance and dropped his books as his legs wriggled uncontrollably. Laughter erupted from behind him, as it always did.

Harry sighed in some weird mixture of acceptance and frustration as Malfoy passed him. "Pathetic, as always," Malfoy spat. Harry huffed and grabbed his wand, murmuring the counter curse while gathering his things. He stood, and continued on his way. That's way it always was, and always had been, since first year. Seven years past, and still, nothing had changed.

Stupid Malfoy and his stupid clique. Why me?

Harry had never gotten an answer to that particular question. That was simply how things went. Harry did his thing, worked on getting good marks, learned spells, minded his own business, and then Malfoy just walked in and ruined everything, making fun of his glasses and the Muggle fandom merchandise he would wear.

Apparently, a monster who hid in dark places but was defeated my laughter was okay, as were violent blue pixie things that were lethal, but a big blue box that could fly around all of space and time? Nope. A kid who went around slaying mythological Greek creatures with a girly name? Uh-uh. Some guys that went around in a Chevy killing all sorts of monsters, from demons and witches and vampires? How dare he?!  And Merlin forbid that Harry wore something with anime on it.

Even some muggleborns mocked him for his anime. 'they're kid shows.'  Harry would like them to watch Attack on Titan or Death Note or Death Parade or Black Butler or really any anime and call it a 'kids show'. 

Harry had accepted that things wouldn't change. That this was the way of the world. Seventh year was halfway through anyways; he wouldn't have to deal with such treatment for much longer.

And besides, the Jellylegs Jinx? That was so childish! Really, throughout the years Malfoy hadn't done much to actually hurt him physically. Harry wanted nothing more than to make fun of his half-shaved head, of the eyeliner and leather that he wore, of the large holes in his ears, but Merlin's pants it he looked hot. 

May have been a prick, but he was a sexy prick and it frustrated Harry.

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