new draft 1

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I sit here wondering why our relation ship is "falling apart"
but it's not. you've got little time, and energy, and you sleep
from the moment you get home until I call and wake you up
nothing is deteriorating, it's all an illusion. so in this mind, I,
turn over and over fake possibilities of disintegration. instead,
to art I turn. down the rabbit hole must my mind go, so I take
with me my art there. falling as I may, this cup of tea isn't the
same that it used to be. lemony flavor changes itself from sweet
to bitter and now it's horribly different. funny how change can
be good and bitter. holding onto nothing fascinates me, but if
I ponder not in my head through blank stares and empty beings,
then I will not discover more about the universe. for now I am
trying to harness the power of the darkness. it's a good, strong
power, not for use in hurting anyone. that's when you fail to
use the darkness. it's not for pain, for hurt, for revenge. never
to hurt, only to heal. look at the universe as it be, see your life
for what it is. it tempting to stray off this path but impeccable
balance is needed to keep alive on a tightrope, just as now we
are carefully tiptoeing the Un-Illuminated waters of the galaxy
we must be careful to not slip on stones.

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