3. His Eyes

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I know. I'm awful for making you guys wait this long. But I do have a reason, witch I'm not gonna get into. I'm sure you guys would much rather start reading. so without further delay here is chapter 3

 Sorry for the wait. :)

His Eyes

***NATE'S POV***

Wait, am I gay?

"Will you stop staring at me and get out of my way?"

Probably, I mean, I did just say I was happy staring into a guy's eyes.

"Hey, shrimp, are you listening to me?"

The truth is, it never actually occurred to me that I could be in a relationship with someone. 

"If this is your way of irritating me, let me tell you it’s working."

If you haven't figure it out by now, I'm not exactly the type to meet people that genuinely care about me.

"Are you really this stupid or just looking for a beating?"

Jeez, I can't remember the last time I had a normal conversation with anyone.

"Are you even alive at all?"

And I don't remember being attracted to anyone in particular—male or female—but if I were, I bet they’d have the same vibrant and vivid eyes that he has.

Not that I want to date this guy. No. Not even close.

I admit he’s very good looking, and could probably pass for a mythical creature if he tried, but he still gives me the creeps. Not to mention the guy shows up in my nightmares and accuses me of killing him. 

Which, by the way, I didn't do. I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that. This whole situation is just downright freaky.

Speaking of him...

Ah! Cheeseburger-juice! Have I really been having a mental chat with myself and completely ignoring this guy? 

"Uhm...sorry," I said painfully.

"How do you get through life being so absent-minded?" he said with a disapproving and pissed look on his face.

"Sorry," I repeated shyly fiddling with the edge of my shirt.

Over the years I have developed a very unhealthy fear of jocks. I know what you’re thinking. I should face my fear and stand up for myself, ‘if you accept yourself, others will accept you too.'

But that's all crap. Like someone is out there just waiting for me to accept myself so he can became my best friend. Yea right, I'll have better luck waiting for Lady Gaga to make a normal music video. Which is never going to happen. That's just not how things are.

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