16. First Mom, then Mathews and now Mitch?

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Chapter sixteen

First Mom, then Mathews and now Mitch?

"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."

- Narcotics Anonymous

***Nate's POV***

"Why did you bring him back?" Mr. S moved to come closer to me and Mitch, but he tough better of it as he seemed to remember that he was still holding a man at death grip. "You have one job Mitch, one job, to keep him safe., and you can't even do that?" he growled instead.

"I tried to stop him, but he," Mitch explained in an annoyed voice.

"You tried?" Mr. S cut him off, "trying is not enough! This is not a game Mitch. You have to..." before he could finish his sentence, he was suddenly lifted off the ground and thrown into an assortment of desks.

I watched horrified as Mr. S skidded across his classroom. I'm surprised no other faculty members or students are rushing here, he crashed pretty loudly.

Mr. S sat up tentatively holding tight to his rib and coughed, I cringed as I saw red liquid seeping down the side of his mouth.

"What's going on?" I asked again, strangely not felling panicked at all considering. This obviously has something to do with me, why else would Mitch and Mr. S be trying to keep me away?

Taking my eyes off the coughing Mr. S I studied the intimidating stranger that had thrown my teacher across the room like he was nothing more than a piece of rag cloth. He looks like you're typical hulk man type. Short crop military cut blond hair, his brown eyes were shaded with such fierce intensity, it almost made me want to bolt out the room. He was staring at me now, not even trying to hide the hatred filled gaze he was shooting toward me. I took my eyes of him and watched the frightened girl huddled in the corner of the room hugging her knees to her chest instead.

Mitch was still gripping my sides tightly, and didn't show any signs of letting go, so I turned on the spot and watched him as he watched the stranger's every move, "What's going on?" I'm getting really tired of asking the same question and getting no response of any kind.

I glared at Mitch, willing him to look at me and answer my questions, but no such luck, he and the strangers were still in a staring contest.

I ripped my shirt from his hands causing him to look down at me surprised, but as soon as he saw my questioning eyes he avoided my gaze and looked to the door. This is getting me nowhere. I might as well help the girl. I walked over to her and crunched down at her eye level.

"Are you OK? You're not hurt anywhere are you?" I asked trying not to agitate her.

She looked up at me, eyes bulging, "I...I....I just c-c-came here t-to ask-k a few quq-questions ab-b-bout t-t-the history test, then that g-g-guy came in..." she stumbled over her words not being able to say a full sentence without stuttering.

"It's fine, you don't have to explain anything" I took her hand and squeezed it in mine. "just tell me if you are hurt or not." She knotted and looked up at me.

"I'm...I don't think I'm hurt." the girl answered weekly. I watch her carefully as she got her bearings together wondering if she wasn't a little too traumatized from just watching two guys fight. Two really Strong guys fighting pretty violently, I get that, but still, it's just a normal fight.

"Come on, let's get you out of here" I stood up, holding her hand to hoist her up. From behind me I could still hear Mr. S coughing. And I'm sure Mitch is probably still staring out the window. If he thinks I'm just going to let this go just because he ignores me, he got another thing coming.

I glanced out the window at the early winter scenery outside. And I couldn't help but think of how much I wanted a large Cheeseburger right now. It's the strangest thing, I know this is not the time to be thinking about food, but I couldn't help it, I just have a sudden craving for a burger.

My hands being squeezed harshly brought me out of my burger trance. I drifted my attention back to the girl who was now shaking uncontrollably. Her eyes bulging looking straight ahead, But she wasn't looking at me, she was staring over my shoulder.

I followed her gaze and turned around to see the stranger coming right at me with a huge sword pointed right in in front of him.

Oh my God, he is going to kill me.

I'm going to die. For real this time.

To think a few weeks ago, I would have welcomed this with arms wide open, but now, No, I don't want to die, I don't. I finally have friends, actual people who give a damn if I'm here or not, and I haven't been bullied even once since I came back, I finally have a normal life, my new parents, even though I don't want to admit it, They are amazing. I laugh and talk to people, I'm finally happy.

I don't want to die. God can't somebody else take my place? I though to myself. No what I'm I saying!? No I didn't mean that. I can't wish death on somebody else, that's just wrong, I can't believe I even though it. It just came out of nowhere.

It seemed like the sword was taking forever to connect to my body as if everything was moving in slow motion. I had time to glance over at Mr. S who was watching the stranger advancing on me. He has this look on his face like he was ready to puke or something. I glance over to where Mitch was standing. For some reason, I wanted his face to be the last thing I see. Is that weird? Of course it is! My mind screamed at me, you're about to die and the only thing in you're mind is Mitch. God what's wrong with me?

But Mitch wasn't standing where he was a few second before. I felt disappointment wash over me as I looked back to my fate, the man and his sword. But instead, I was met with the image of the sword entering Mitch's flesh.

He just materialized in front of me. I had plenty of time to watch the tip of the blade enter Micth's front and reappear at his back, plenty of time to watch the stranger harshly jerk the sword out of Mitch causing even more pain as he doubled over on the flour, plenty of time to contemplate how this is all my fault, but no time at all to stop it from happening.

I felt frozen on the spot. Everything around me stared blurring out as I concentrated on Mitch. My legs gave out under me and I fell to my knees next to Mitch's hunched over figure. I reached out and touched his shoulder, I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I mean, what I'm I supposed to do?

"Somebody help him" I mumbled under my breath through tearful sobs. It's happening again. Just like Mom, just like Mathews, and now, Mitch.

Another person is going to die again because of me, and there is nothing I can do about it.



Please don't hate me! I know this is a really bad cliffhanger, but i promise il update by the end of today. I'm not that evil to leave you guys hanging.

Another chapter coming up in a few hours!

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