13. Keep Your Enemies Closer

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Chapter 13

          Keep Your Enemies Closer

   There are no such thing as coincidences, only cause and effect.
                           _Unknown (to me at least)

(Nate to the side)

Elsewhere. . .

Five sat crossed legged on his wooden floor, He looked outside trough the window and listened to the pita-pata of the rain hitting the window seal. Rain always calmed him in a way nothing ever could. As he wrapped his injured hand in the extra bandages he stored away for emergencies like these, he contemplated his life choices.

In his tender young years if only he had the foresight to attend medical school like his mother wanted him to, he  would have had a careers if not a job by now.

But he wasn't as smart back then. He made bad choices based on clouded judgment. And Instead, he looked around himself, he has this. This small disorganized thousand year old studio apartment he calls home. The furniture as old as time itself. It's hard to believe he gave up a luxurious life of a doctor for this.  

His young and naive self was charmed by a false pretense of a life he only ever dreamed of. To be a glorious warrior. Battling being with mythical powers. What seventeen year old boy could resist such a temptation. To escape the task of being a teenager, all the hormone, problems, the ridiculous high school dramas, parents that you know want nothing but your happiness, but you still can't help but resent them somewhere in your mind. Back then, he could not have imagined a better life than that of a hunter.

But for all he gave up he has nothing to show for it. Five has been striped of every human right. Even his name, Not that he remembers what it once was anyway. He is nothing but a number now. One of manny others just like him.  their is nothing special or unique about him, or any of the numbers, except for how useful they are to the hunter. Each one a disposable shields.  

How he wish he could turn back the clock on his life. Back to that day he first saw the hunter ten years ago.

Most days he wonders what has become of that boy who was no dough scared for life by experiencing something so horrible. Is he out there, leaving well. Or is he by his lonesome stricken with grief, cursing the world and demanding revenge for his mother?

If only he had taken the side walk like he always did on his way home from Johny's , instead of taking the shortcut through the alleyway. He would have never witness such a horrid scene.

And for what? For him to just became a servant of that murderer? It makes him sick sometimes what he has become. He got up abruptly, his warrior instincts on high alert.

He is not alone. he crept to the other side of the room soundlessly much like a shadow. He stayed close to the wall. As he got closer to his goal, a hole in the wall. He squat dow and reached into the hole and felt around. He found what he was looking for and pushed the button inside, the single book shelf at the corner of the room that lacked an exceeding amount of book gave way to reveal a  door. 

Five ruched to it and opened it, revealing an arsenal, stocked with enough guns and weapons to start a war with a small country. he took out a nine millimeter, holding it at gun point in the uninjured hand. Squatting down, he waited for the enemy to make a move, but instead a knock came at the door.

He kept still, i't could be their making sure if I'm at home or not' he tough. Another knock came, then another, more demanding this time.

"Open this door Five. Or I'll break it down." came a voice from outside, "I know you're in there being a paranoid freak like you've always been. It's me, not a warlock. Hurry up and open the door."

"That's exactly what a warlock would say." Five shot back playfully. By now he knows who it is so he put the gun back and closed the door leading to the arsenal covering it with the book shelf once again.

"You really must not like this door" said the voice outside. Five rushed to the door. Unlocking it he flung it open revealing a  clocked figure soaked in water from head to toe. The face hidden under the hood.

'Number Three' Five taught bitterly.

The figure brushed passed him, and stepped into the room confidently.

"I'm honored you'd grace me with your presence number Three. What can I do you for?" Five said bowing in an overly exaggerated polite manner.

"This place is still a pig sty." Three walked around the room, noting details.

"I will take that as a complement." Five said strolling over to his couch and plopping down. 

"It wasn't one."

"Nothing you ever say to me is."

"You never do anything that deserves a compliment."

"And you're a judgmental bitch but you don't see me complaining" He stretched his limbs relaxing his muscles.

"Enough with this." Three swirled around decisively facing Five, "You talked to Shade right?" she asked, her voiced taking on an annoyed tone.

"You mean the hunter?"

"We're all hunters Five."

Five scoffed "Oh come on? Do you really believe that?" he got up from his seat, taking a few steps toward number Three. "You and I both know we are nothing but servants to Shade. He gives us orders left and right. Whether we like it or not, and I'm staring to get sick of it."

"You watch your mouth Five." Three aggressively shoved him to the wall, "It's his job to give us orders. He's the team leader."

"Team leader my ass, more like a slave-driver." Five rubbed his injured hand thinking, "I'm staring to think we're the bad guys here. In all the years we've been doing these kinds of jobs, not once has a council member attacked any of us, but we still go in search of them and hunt them down. Are we really saviors of humanity or just brain washed serial killers?"

"Stop with this nonsense. We kill them because we have to." Five got of the wall with a disagreeable grunt. "Their not human." Three continued, "They are nothing but monsters. And  those same monsters killed my parents. I won't rest until every last one of them is dead. You can either help or stay out of it, it's your choice. I admit even I'm not on best terms with Shade. But he was the only one there when I needed someone, when all my closest friends deserted me. You want a reason to fight? there's one. Now what were my orders from Shade?"

Five watched Three closely for any sign of dough in her own words, then giving up, there is no way I can make her see things my way. "keep watching the kid, and get close to him, and gain his trust." Five reached to open his fridge, but stopped, his eyes lingering on one particular photo taped to the fridge. With one of his hand still on the handle, he reached out with the other running his fingers over, the surface of the image. The picture of his eighth grade graduation. He looks so happy surrounded by his closest friends. People who were once dear to him. Those were the good days he taught.

"His name is Nate." said Tree.

"Like I care." Five grunted back.

"You are a lost cause Five."

"Tell it to the judge." Grunting again, Three stumped over to the brown door and opened it, taking a step out into the pouring rain. 

Five watched as the figure disappeared into the rainy mist. "Are we truly saving people?" He asked himself, "Or just..." sighing he went back inside and closed the door.


So anybody has any guess who Number Three is yet?

I know this chapter is does not include any Mitch and Nate moments at all, and I'm sorry for that. I was going to add it but it still need a bit of work.

The next chapter will hopefully be out by Saturday, until then
                                  bye, bye.

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