4. Change?

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  • Dedicated to All you wonderful people!

I am apologizing formally at this moment for being such a slow updater ^_^, definitely something I need to work on. But until then, thanks for putting up with me. AND thanks so much for the comments and votes and supports.

  This one is dedicated to ALL READERS!.  For those awkward moments when you start to feel the seeds of attraction.  >_<

Chapter 4   

Goddammit! he's looking at me. I can feel it. Why I'm I so aware of his presence? So what if his sitting right behind me and could touch the nape of my neck if he just stretches out his hand?

What if he does stretch out his hand? What then?

How would his skin feel against mine? would it be rough and callus like I expect it to be? Or smooth and soft and...gentle?  

Stop it Nate! your thinking like a pervert!

"No man born of a woman can harm Macbeth"  A tiny formed girl, her hear died deep blue, read from a textbook on her desk while everyone else followed along in there own book. They were reading a passage from shakespear's Macbeth, which in no way interest me what so ever; I already read the whole play last summer out of boredom, and I liked it fine, but i'm not giddy about sitting trough a whole lesson about it. So I turn all my attention to the fall scenery outside, stubbornly ignoring the eyes like daggers glaring at my scalp.   

"Mr. Malcolm why do you think the author manly focuses on a protagonist who does so many wrong things, someone who many view as the villain?" Mr. S asked, swirling the cape of his costume as he paces around the front. A vampire costume. I can't for the life of me figure out why. No one seam to be particularly concern about it, to be honest he actually looks good in the costume. So I decide to overlook it as well. 

"Uhm...because it makes a better story?" a poutty faced kid, freckles dusting his cheeks and nose  answered. Its cute how his face looks like it's on permanent pout mode. God! Nate! stop it with the commenting on how cute guys are!  I turn away and look out the window. Zoning away all annoying voices buzzing in my head.

"Yes, yes. We all agree it does. But what I really want you to think about is, Why does it make a better story? Why does it appeal to us? Why did he not make the choice to write the play from Macduff the hero's point of view? Like in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, or Beowulf?"

"..." silence. I imagine a cricket chirping in the distance, complementing the silence. And it brightens my mood a bit.

"Guys, there are no wrong answers in critical thinking, only really stupid ones. " Mr. S added, turning side to side so his cape bellowed around him, somehow in that get-up there is just no way for me to take him seriously. "Mr. Parker, I know you have some ideas about this."

"I do, I have one...but I think the new guy should take this one." that was the guy behind me.

"..."  silent as a cemetery. I don't want to talk. I hate speaking in front of people. That's no surprise.

So his name is Parker? Its more likely his last name. Mr. S did call me by my newly acquired last name too.  I fell tiny Little butterfly's down the peat of my stomach. newly acquired last name I'll have to give it up soon, the thought saddens me. And I don't want to find out why.

God, how I'm itch to turn around and leer at him.

But I can't. I have to keep my 'I am a reject who doesn't give a care in anyone or anything, if you dare touch me I'll cut you' façade on. which I have to admit I'm not exactly an expert at. My face just isn't that scary.

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