6. Secrets

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Chapter Six


***Nathan's POV***

In my short seventeen years of living, I can Honestly say I have never felt this comfortable or free of any worry. Ever. Not after my mom's death. The darkness, heavy with my own self-loatness surrounds me  in a comforting lullaby. Wrapping me in a soft endless ca-coon. I want to stay here forever. Wherever here is

 Here there is nobody to judge me, or torment me, or bully me, or...... or reject me. 

I won't have to face the pain of rejection. The pang of my heart breaking. The endless worrying about if I'm even worth anyone's love. 

All those troubles are behind me, now that I'm dead. I'm dead, aren't I? At least i think i am.

So this is what being dead is like? If I had known it would relieve me this much, I would have done it much sooner of my own accord. Never mind what i promised my mom.

I have to admit I was expecting 'a light at the end of a tunnel' or something like that. Who am I kidding if there were a heaven or hell for real, none of those places would probably want me there.

I can almost feel my consciousness seeping away. I welcome the dizzying feeling that threatens to take over me any second.

Finally...... I can get my rest.

"You truly think it is that simple?" 

All of a sudden I wasn't dizzy anymore. I jerk up at the sound a voice. That voice.

No. No. No. this can't be happening. I finally found peace, and that voice comes out of nowhere just to ruin it. I wip my head around trying, looking, searching for the source of the voice, but all I see is darkness. Darkness that a few seconds ago was my saving grace, but now held disturbing secrets.

"My sweet Nathalian, I have a proposition for you that I think you will be very interested in." the voice slurred chuckling darkly.

&&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&&

Mitch's POV

It's been four days. four days of complete and uther chaos, in my head at least.

two days of constantly questioning myself of if what I saw was real or not. I wish it wasn't real, then I wouldn't have to think about the fact that  it was Nathan who hurt my best friend. And instead of worrying about Owen like a normal best friend should, all I can think about is if Nathan is OK.

What's up with that!

I've never even talked to the guy, so what the hell? I need to get my priorities straight.

I've been visiting the hospital frequently to check on Owen and his two minions ,  luckily their injuries weren't as bad a I though when I found them in the alleyway. turns out they didn't actually burn, but just scraped by Being incredibly close proximity with the fire.

And of course I wanted to know if Nathan was OK too. Not that I would admit that I'm more worried about him than I am about Owen.

I walked into the hospital going over to the elevator and taking it  to the third and marching over to owen's room on the far end of the hall. As I was about to open the door a petite nurse came out , I almost knocked into her but managed to keep my balance.

"Oh, you gave me a fright!" she exclaimed. putting a hand to her chest.

"Sorry about that" I said apologetically trying to get passed her.

"It's fine sweetie. Oh and the patient just fell asleep so if you don't mind not waking him up."

"Oh OK." I dragged myself into the chair sitting in the chair beside Owen's bed.

I looked him over. All in all he looked very much OK.  Except for the bandages on both his arms and neck. A lot of people think Owen is a complete jerk, and don't get me wrong, they are absolutely right. But he has his good sides too that a lot of people never see. If i hadn't known him since the third grade i would probably hate his goth too.

I took out my phone and stared playing Subway Surfers for a few minutes until I got frustrated because I kept crashing.

I got up deciding to just come back later.

walking out of the room I saw a quick glimpse of Mrs. Fall entering a room to the far right. So that must be Nathan's room.

I tried desperately to contain myself from walking over to the room but of course failed miserably as my curiosity, once again, got the best of me.

I strode over to the door and knocked on it  lightly.

"Come in" came Mrs. Fall's voice from inside.

I stepped inside a little hesitantly. " Hi, Mrs Fall... I was...I mean I'm Mitch... I was just...uhm..." I studded scratching the back of my neck. OK so this is awkward. Why exactly did I come here anyway? Why should I care if Nathan is OK or not? ugh! this is frustrating!

"He hasn't woken up yet" she spoke taking me away from my thought.


"Nathan." she replied never taking her eyes of me, "he hasn't woken up. the doctor said his in a coma, but their not sure when he will wake up." she said answering my unasked question.

"Oh" I mumbled glancing over to Nathan.

"Your the one who found Nathan right?" she said eying me curiously.

"Yea?" I said. It came out sounding  more as a question rather than an answer because of my nerves. Her stare was making me feel uncomfortable.

"The doctor told me you said you just found them in an alley, all of them unconscious."

"uhm...yea?" again it came out sounding like a question.

"Are you sure?" She took a step closer to me and crossing her arm on her chest. I resisted the urge to take a step back.

"What do you mean?" I hated how my voice quivered.

"You know Mitch" she took another step traught me, "it's not very nice to hide the truth from poeple."

"But I'm not...."

"Tell me." she demanded.

"He was on fire." I blurted out, my eyes widening as the realization of what I just said hit me. I didn't...I didn't mean to say that. I had planed on taking that secret to my death!

Mrs. Fall raised an eyebrow. Why in the world did I say that? as if anybody would believe such a thing.

She uncrossed her arms, a look of concern on her face. she stared pacing the room.  After a while she stopped pacing and looked up at me.

"So it's already staring." she looked up at me.

"What's already staring?" I asked baffled at her reaction.

"The prophesy. The prophesy is staring."

To say I'm confused right now would be an understatement.


Yes I know...I'm a horrible human being. How long has it been? 6 months? oh well. But I'm back now so prepare yourselves guys it's going to be a bumpy ride.

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