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Chapter Eighteen

***Nate"s POV***

When you're little, and you get so scared of shadows and frivelous sounds that you start believing there's a gobling under your bed out to get you. So you run to your parents and cry until they come and check the closet, under your bed, then they sit you down and pet your head, then tell you in the sweetest voice, 'There is no such thing as ghosts or monsters , it's just your imagination'.

I can't remember an instant where I was in that situation. Don't get me wrong I did imagine things. My imagination tends to run ahaid of me. But when I ran to my mom she would come and check my bedroom like any other mom, then she sat me down and told me in her most serious voice, 'Many things exist in this world that you can't see hear or touch, and just because you don't know it's there doesn't mean it isn't. If you do see one don't get scared, a lot of them feed on fear, so you have to be strong sweety you understand?' She was just that kind of woman.

I have always believed in the supernatural. Yes I know it's not exactly normal to think things like ghosts or monsters and even magic exist now that I'm old enough to know better. Not to mention I'm terrifyed at the idea of a ghosts- just flowty things without any sustance walking around unseen, and you'd have to kill me or do something worst to get me to watch a horror movie, but I allways have and I always will believe, more so now than ever.

Sitting here watching Mitch prance around the kitchen, cooking god knows what, is all the proove I need that magic is real.

Just a few Hours ago, He couldn't even opened his eyes much less stand up. But after that weird thing Mr. S did with his hand, and his flesh stared to reconnect with each other of their own will, it's like he never even got stabbed in the first place, no scar or signs that the skin had been cut at all. And I can't believe I helped. Not to mention that strange sensation, It felt so familiar, so nostalgic. For logic's sake im going to believe I was just imagining things.

"Why are you thinking so hard?" Mitch's voice rang beside me. When did he get here? That tiny brain of yours might not be able to take so much thinking it might just explode" He finished smirking.

I glared at him from the conner of my eyes, where does he get of making fun of me, and I'll have him know my brain is plainty big. Not to mention my IQ is in the 3 digits.

''stop glaring at me would you.'' Mitch continued, that annoying knowing smirk still plastered on his face. He then proceeded to casually stride over to the sofa in front of me and dump his body on it.

I watched him with dazed eyes, my head still unclear from just waking up from my nap.

As my head got clearer, I noticed one: Mitch's was shirtless his torso exposed for the world to see. The world, meaning Me in particular, there is nobody else here. Im guessing the girl from school is still around somewhere but I haven't seen her when I woke up. I could feel heat rising up at the base of my cheeks as I have been staring at him this whole time, and I knew he noticed me realizing this very fact when a very presumptuous smile appeared on his face.

I turned my head away from him at once fidgeting with my fingers, I was getting self conscious just by him looking at me, god I'm a mess.

"Aren't you curious?"

"Huh?" I was surprised by Mitch's sudden question.

"About everything. are you not going to ask for an explanation?" he continued, sitting up and interlocking his fingers elbows on his knees. It looked to me like he was ready for an interrogation. And I, was the unlucky suspect.

"No." I answered simply.

"No?" he repeated incredulously.

"Yes, no"

"And why not? are you that uninterested in knowing the truth?" I could tell he was getting agitated with my responses by the change in his tone, even though his face remained calm.

"It's not that I am uninterested, I just don't want to get involved in all of this craziness. If the price of that is not knowing what is going on behind the scenes then I'm fine with that." I reasoned with him.

His previously calm and lazy expression contorted into an irritated scowl, " he untangled his fingers and formed a fist in each hand, At this point my danger detector senses were going off like crazy telling me to choose my next words very carefully. But my brain was slow in getting this information to my mouth so I continued on like the idiot I am, " I plan on not getting involved. Supernatural or not it has nothing to do with me."

The boiling Menace in front of me got up abruptly narrowing his eyes, " It has nothing to do with you?" he growled. I got up too, no to confront. No, to find the nearest way out of his presence. I took a step away from my sofa, but with each step i took he matched it with his own. "Do you have any idea what I've been trough for you? All the trouble I have endured for you?" I shook my head unable to comprehend his words in the least, as I hit a wall behind me.

"I...I" I'm not sure what exactly I'm trying to say myself but 'I I' surely wasn't it. It was almost impossible to get a complete thought going with him this close, his looming body pinning me to the living room wall with no escape in sight.

I dared a look up at him and when our eyes met my heart nearly skipped, the anger from a second ago was long gone in its place was this expression of complete and utter sadness. The misery in these green orbs completely stung me. Without knowing why, I hated that look, I hated seeing him so sad and destruct. I had this urge to rum my hand down the side of his face, maybe out of necessity, or maybe out of sheer desire on my part, I have no clue at this point the line between what I wanted to do and what I needed to do, was becoming very blurry. Without realizing it my hand was unconsciously reaching out to his face. Our eyes were still stuck in this trance him looking so destruct and me just plain...confused.

The tip of my finger almost brushed the side of his cheek, when the front door swung open with a bang, and my whole body froze on the spot as my mind slowly cleared up, what was I about to do? What was I thinking?

"Welcome back" I vaguely registered Mitch moving away from me and greeting the the person who entered, but not before I saw a strange kind of heat flicker through his eyes replacing the sadness. 'It must be Mr. S coming back' I thought, so i didn't look to the door until i heard the cutest voice scream "Big bro". The next thing I saw was just a blur of a tiny person running into Mitch's waiting arms.

"It's nice to see you too Annabelle" Mitch said patting the small frame a huge smile on his face.


Ah! Feels good to be back

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