17. Warm

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Chapter 17


                “I'm not afraid of death; I just don't want to be there when it happens.” 

                                                                                       ― Woody Allen

 ***Nate's POV***


 I griped tightly to Mitch's bloodied clothes, watching him at a lost for word as he withered and shook, his eyes rolling back in pain.

It's all my fault, It's always been my fault. Every single time. 

I should be the one bleeding in pain on the flour, not Mitch. He can't die, he just can't. Only now I'm I realizing how much it would break me if he died. I would never be able to live with myself.

What have I done? How could I let this happen? How could God let this happen?

No, tha's not true, i can't put the blame on God or anyone else. It's my fault, How could I have wished for this, I wished someone would take my place, I hopped someone else could die in my place. Whatever greater for is out there is just fulfilling MY wish. 

My body  quaked as i though this. I'm nothing but bad luck. It would have been better if I didn't exist at all. That way people wouldn't suffer because of me. 

As I pondered this idea in my head, I hazily watched as Mr.S rushed from his crouched position, And hastily rushed to the stranger and smashed his fist with the stranger's jaw, startling him. The punch was so powerfully, it  knocked him of his feet, he had no time to get back up as the teacher gave him another blow. He went on punching the stranger repeatedly until the stranger was reduced to faint pants and short breath unable to get up. Mr.S then place a hand on his the guy's forehead and before my eyes the stranger's body stared glowing a bright orange, his skin began to flake and quickly turn into ash as if  he was burning from the inside out. There was no scent of burning meat or any indication of smoke, but all the same, in a matter of seconds his whole body became nothing but kindling ash. The ashes withered and dispersed. Leaving no evidence of the man that was.

I gaped at Mr. S, did he just burn a person inside out by just touching him? What have i gotten myself into?

A loud croak from what sounds like a crow or a raven maybe came from outside jolting me back to my senses. I can't be thinking of this while Mitch is here bleeding to deaf. Nothing matters right now, except Mitch. I have to get him to the hospital. 

I took off my black hoodie and pressed it to Mitch's bleeding side in a hopeless attempt to stop the bleeding. I looked around the room wondering how I was going to carry him out of the room, when Mr. S appeared in front of me and gently slipped his hand under Mitch and scooped him up.

He carried him to the door, then jerked his head for me to open the door for him, and I did so without question. He looked back into the room, and I did too, now remembering there was another person in here with us.

"Come on Evelyn, you're coming too"  He spoke calmly to the girl curled up on the wall, she visibly shank back, but followed us out the classroom without complaint.


"Where are you going?" I asked Mr. S leaning over from the back seat Mitch's head resting on my lap. he had lost consciousness but he was still breathing, so that's good. Mr. S was driving well over the speed limit making me grip Mitch tighter to me so he won't fall of the seat, " the hospital is the other direction" I stammered, noticing this wasn't the road to the hospital, I should know, I was there just a few days ago. But Mr. S just ignored me and kept driving. Where is he taking us, I gulped staring to feel panic rise up. 

But before I could give reason to my worries, he stopped the car. I looked outside to see we were in front of Mitch's house. What are we doing here?

Mr. S turned the engine off hurriedly. He walked to the back doors and opened it, caring Mitch once again.

I wanted  to argue, but he gave me this look that made me think twice about it. " I know what I'm doing Nate, Just trust me" He stated. I didn't trust him one bit, but I nodded all the same. 

Evelyn got out of the passenger seat silently and we walked to the door behind Mr. S. I took out the spare key Mitch gave me yesterday and let us in.

Mr. S put his weight on the couch gently and then knelt beside Mitch. Shouldn't we be getting him to a doctor? My nerves were getting the better of me and I was about to scream at my teacher when i felt a buzz in my pants. i reached into my pocked and pulled out my phone, seeing I have one misses call from Marianne and two messages from earlier. one from Allie, the other a number I didn't recognize and couldn't be bothered to to check them, not with Mitch suffering so bad and we are literally doing nothing to stop him. So I put the phone down and walked over to the two figures on the couch, ready to carry Mitch on my back to the hospital if I have to.

But as I approached them, Mr. S looked up at me and held out one palm, the other hovered on top of Mitch's wound. "Give me you're hand" I inched away from his outstretched hand remembering what happened in the classroom. "just give me your hand, I'm trying to save Mitch, he doesn't have much time." I raised my arm and he gripped my hand firmly. Instantly I stared felling warm all over my body, my fingers and toes stared tingling with heat it was a strangely familiar feeling, but I can't think of where I remember it from, it felt comfortable and heavenly. I could feel the heat leaving my body and entering Mr. S' hands. I sagged to my knees beside Mr. S, noting his eyes were turning these impossible light purple as he focused on his hand on Mitch's wound. I could see the exposed wound healing itself. The tissues and skin mending themselves leaving not even a scar.

  I smiled to myself. He's going to be OK.

My head stared buzzing a little, like a bee was flying around in there. 

Mr. S let go of my hand and stood up. "He's fine. He should wake up in a few hours" he brushed himself off standing up.

"Mr. S..." I wanted to say something, ask something, but I just couldn't get the words out.

"It's fine." He nodded as if understanding, "and call me Gabriel, I know you have a lot of questions, but just be patient a bit. Until Mitch wakes up?" He asked giving me a sad smile. 

I nodded in response, taking a seat beside Mitch -who was breathing steadily- feeling really tired myself. I lifted his head and placed it on my lap, running my hand trough his hair, loving the feel of it against my skin. I just needed this closeness for me to know he was OK. He purred slightly in his sleep like a cat, making me crack a smile. He is so cute.

Mr. S... I mean Gabriel walked over to Evelyn, she was standing by the entrance awkwardly as if not knowing what to do with herself, her face a mask of worry. Gabriel whispered something to her, and she nodded slowly walking deeper into the house, and taking a seat in one of the many sofas quietly

"I'll be back in a bit." Gabriel called over his shoulder as he exited the house closing the door behind him. 

What now? Ugh... I guess I'll get a bit of sleep, I looked over at Evelyn and pointed to the kitchen. "That's the kitchen over there, if you need anything help yourself. The bathroom is the third door to your right."  

"OK, thanks" She replied meekly.

"Yea" I mumbled closing my eyes.



Told ya I'l update today. Ha! I finally kept one of my promises. 

High five to MEEEEEE

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