7. The Curse of the Prophesy

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Chapter 7

     The curse of the Prophesy

A life Stolen away from the abyss, his mind torn.

A day, a night, a betrayed heart from these the legend is born.

A life he gives for many other, courage is obtained in trust.

Choose he must, Fight he must,  Win he must.

In The one who bares the mark of the elders is the truth he seeks, he shall fight by his side protect and slay.

History repeats an everlasting cycle, but must not replay.

A destiny that must be fulfilled to protect all guided by the light.

By the sky the earth the rivers he lives, by the elements he fights.


***Mitch's POV***

"Uhm...come again?" I asked incredulously.

"It's happening a lot faster than we had thought." Mrs Fall began pacing the room once again while mumbling to herself. I just stood there dumb founded staring at her.

All of a sudden she stopped and turned on me as if I had the answer to all her questions.

"What?" I asked cautiously.

"How did you get him to stop burning?" she asked her eyes narrowing.

"well I didn't." I retorted "he kind of looked at me, and I thought he recognized me, then he just...wait a minute." I cut myself going over the sort of reaction a normal person would have if they were told their adoptive son was on fire, but apparently has no injuries whatsoever except fell into a coma.

OK that is a serious injury but you don't just Fall into a coma after you've burned from head to toe without any scar or mark on your body. It's just not logical

And a normal reaction for normal person after being told that would be to get surprised or start asking a bunch of annoying questions, all striped together like a chain mail, that I have no answer for. Or simply not believe me! I mean come on, even I don't believe myself.

"You believe me?" I asked my eyes widening.

"Why wouldn't I believe you?" Mrs. Fall responded carelessly.

"Because what I said is crazy. I could be crazy for all you know."

"Are you crazy?"

"Well...no, I don't think so."

"That's that then." she smiled her pearly teeth glimering.

Nate sure has some weird parents.

I chanced a glance at him over on the bed. He looks so peaceful, his face pale, his lips loosing there color but you could still detect a tint of plush pink. And his eyelashes that just looked so unreal, those would put any girl to shame.  It made him look strangely beautiful.

He better wake up soon I have some serious questions I need him to answer.

"So you didn't do anything the fire just stopped?"

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