12. Rhythm

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Chapter Twelve


  Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances.

                           -Maya Angelou

(song to the side is ---> 'Invisible by, Hunter Hayes')

***Nate's POV***

I'm running in a forest. Surrounded by nothing but tick trees on all sides. The sky above, a dark Mid-afternoon  gray. The air is saturated like it feels right before a storm. The ground damp and wet.

My feet pounds the forest ground, each step resonating and splashing muddy water, the only sound to be heard, apart from my raged breathing. I don't look back to see if I'm being followed. I just run as fast as my legs could carry me. I jump over tree stomps and dodge low hanging branches surprisingly well. Since when did I become so nimble? And why am I running in a forest?

a sudden flash of light rapidly flies over my head causing me to loose my footing. I tumble to the ground, wincing as twigs and tiny rocks dab at my skin. I feel a sharp pain at my elbow. I sat up and reach for the bruise caressing it, feeling the warm blood oozing onto my fingertips.

Another ball of light rushes at me. I barely manage to dodge it. The light hits a tree behind me, and it instantly lit up on fire.

"Wow!" I screeched surprised. I scooted in the opposite direction from the burning tree, "that was not just light." Is somebody trying to kill me? Another light came straight at me. I sprawled on the ground on my hands and knees hiding behind the nearest tree. My breath coming in hard. Someone really is trying to kill me! Oh god I'm done for. What am I going to do?  I'm in a forest for crying out loud! No one is going to even hear me scream. This is the end. I'm going to die here, aren't I?

Who or what is trying to kill me? It can only be a creature right? It's throwing balls of fire. Humans can't do that, can they? Only dragons and phoenix can do that. And even that why would one be attacking me? Their supposed to be in books, not chasing after me. I peek around the tree to get a look at my attacker. But I'm wrong It's not a dragon or a phoenix not even a dog.

As I strain my eyes searching, I see a light in the distance. That must be it. As it got closer I realized it was no animal, but the shape of a human. The man is treading slowly to my hiding spot behind the tree without making any sound. Not even of his feet hitting the ground. It looks human but his left arm is burning and it doesn't seem to be affecting him. Can't he feel pain? He raised his arm forward and a ball of fire shoots from his burning hand hitting a log on my right. It too inflames instantly. I duck back behind the tree. Clenching at my heart. "Why me, why me!" I mumble to myself feeling panic rise up my body.

I hear a thud and what sounds like wresling and  someone being slammed to the ground. then it was silent again. I let a few seconds pass before I get the courage to peer back to where the man was earlier. But he's not there anymore. Instead he is lying on the wet soil apparently unconscious.

A taller man looms over him examining him. He looks familiar somehow.

"Come over here Nathalian." He said turning his head and looking straight at me. I hurriedly hid back behind the tree.

Oh, heavens he saw me! I didn't see his face but I know he saw me, he looked straight at me. Did he kill the other guy? Did I just witness a murder? Oh my God! How does he even know my name? I crouch myself into a ball squeezing my face against my leg.

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