8. The Abyss

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Chapter Eight.

  The abyss

         All that we see or seem / is but a dream within a dream.
                               - Edgar Alan Poe

***Nate's POV***

(AN: for the sake of confusion when 'the voice' is talking it will be in bold and italic.)


I can almost feel my consciousness seeping away. I welcome the dizzying feeling that threatens to take over me any second.

Finally...... I can get my rest.

"You truly think it is that simple?" 

All of a sudden I wasn't dizzy anymore. I jerk up at the sound a voice. That voice.

No. No. No. this can't be happening. I finally found peace, and that voice comes out of nowhere just to ruin it. I wip my head around trying, looking, searching for the source of the voice, but all I see is darkness. Darkness that a few seconds ago was my saving grace, but now held disturbing secrets.

"My sweet Nathalian, I have a proposition for you that I think you will be very interested in." the voice slurred chuckling darkly.


"I Have no interest in what you have to say!" I screamed out to nothing but air. "just leave me alone" I my voice shook with me on the verge of crying. I Brought my knees to my chest and stuffed my head in between them trying to block out the swirling voice and it's mocking tone.

"No can do my flower. You've already accepted me" The voice continued on nonchalantly. "like it or not I'm not going anywhere for a while."

I don't know what I'm supposed to answer to that so I kept my mouth shut and my head deeper in between my legs. No need to give the voice any idea that I actually care what it has to say.

This is just an illusion. My head is probably playing tricks on me. all these years of bolted up stress might be finally  taking its toll. I knew i should have done more of those relaxation yoga! all i have to do is ignore this guy and im sure he'll go away in due time.

"Anyway I have no choice in the matter." the voice sounded closer in my ears. "are you listening to me boy? I can make your life very hard you know. So you better start taking me seriously." I stayed still as a statue not moving a hair on my back.


"why are you forcing yourself to believe I'm not real?"

ignore it Nate.

"just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not real."

ignore it.

"I said listen!" the voice raged, the force of it strong enough to send me thumbleling  in the empty darkness. A dandelion caught on a breeze. when I stopped moving I stood on my wobbly legs. how can it do that? wasn't the voice just a figment of my imagination? is all this happening in my mind too.

"You half has little wimp! listen to me when im talking to you!" no, no, no, no, "if you don't listen to me soon, I'm going to leave you too. Then you will really be alone, in this cold empty space for eternity, just like the time your mom died. nobody cared you know, you were just a burden to everyone.  The faster they could get rid of you the happier their life became. like mother like son i guess." What does he mean by that? My mom was a wonderful person, and she loved her life, she was always happy, her radiant simile never failed to lift anybody's spirit up. She was happy...we were happy.

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