Chapter 8 : Partay (pt. 2)

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When we arrived at laser tag Kyra and Jah were already there.

"Is that your new car?" Thank God I could talk to Kyra so I understood what she was saying.

"Nope. This one is Chres's. Mines like his except red."

"What you can really drive?" Jah asked as if she didn't see me get out of the drivers seat.

"Yup. Remember I told you it was because of my mom." She nodded. "So y'all ready for me to kick y'all's asses?"

"No bew. Imma win. You know I taught you all you know." Kyra's dumb ass said.

"The lies. My cousin did."


We spent 3 hours in the laser tag place. We would've stayed there until they closed at 6 but we had training.


Training went well. I had 6 bulls-eyes and Chres had 4. One of the employees tweeted we were at the gun store and a bunch of TM to the store. We were trapped inside.

"C how about you bring the car to the back?"

"Roc doesn't TM know about me?" I called him Roc just in case they could hear through the glass. I hight doubted it though because their screams for him were so loud.

"They know about you, but they've never seen you before."

"Okay. I'll try."

The manager followed me to the front door to keep the screaming girls outside. When I walked to the car all of the girls started asking questions.

"Isn't that Roc's car?"
"Do you know Roc?"
"Are you related to him?"
"Are you dating him?"
"Does he like you?"
"Do you wear his clothes?"
"Is he nice?"

Those were the generic ones. There were some freaky ones that I don't know how they thought of them. I got into the car and drove to the back. There were 4 girls back there. Chres wouldn't mind taking pictures with them if they didn't scream things to attract the girls in the front.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi! Who are you?" One of the girls asked. The others looked to shy to say anything.

"I'm Ciara. But when Roc comes out don't scream or attract attention to the girls in the front and he'll probably take pictures and sign stuff for y'all."

"Oh my gosh!" The same girl said in a whisper. "You're Ciara. Roc's cousin."


"Can we take a pic?"

"With me? But I'm not famous."

"It doesn't matter, you know Roc. Do you wanna be famous? If we put these pics on insta and tag you you'll be."

"Um. No thanks. I don't. But y'all seem nice."

We took a picture and talked a little more before Chres came out. When he came out none of the girls screamed. They all had that 'omfg it's Roc Royal' look on their face.

"Hey ladies," Chres said with a smirk. He was always tryna flirt.

"Hi. Can we take a picture?" The same girl said.

"Of course. Y'all want me to sign anything?"

They all handed him something weather a poster, shirt, or snapback.

"Always tryna flirt." I said as we got back into the car.

"Who me? I was just being nice."

"Being nice my ass." I mumbled under my breath.

We got home and we both took showers since we smelled like dying fish from laser tag. When I got out I put on some shorts from Pink and a plain loose fitting black crop to show off my belly button piercing. After I was done getting dressed I went downstairs to watch tv.

As I was walking down the stairs I saw Chres laying on the couch. If you didn't know better you would think he was drunk the way he was laying. One leg on the back of the couch, the other on the floor with one arm hanging off the couch, and the other on his abs.

"Do you own a shirt or are you trying to pull of the 'I'm homeless look'?"

"You know you like it. All the girls like guys with abs."

So since all girls like guys with abs, all guys like girls with tits. I took off my shirt so I was in my Nike sports bra. Chres's eyes got wide and he looked away.

"What? If you can walk around without a shirt on so can I."

"No you can't. You're a girl."

"So. Girls can do everything guys can do and better."

"Oh really huh? Ok. Follow me then."

We walked down to the basement. To my surprise Chres had set up a little boxing area down here and the other half of the basement was empty. I'm guessing it was for me.

"When did you do this?" I was confused asf.

"When the guys came and helped me buy you stuff for your birthday.

"Okay then. So why are we down here?"

"So we can prove girls can do anything guys can do. And better." He said with a smirk like he was gonna win.

"If you don't stop smirking your face is gonna stay like that. And can I change. I don't wanna get these pants dirty."

"Fine but you better hurry. Ill give you 3 minutes."

I returned to the basement in Chres's basketball shorts. He was surprised and mad. He didn't want me to get his shorts dirty. And they were white, which made him even more mad.

"Lets put a little more on this. If I win you have to watch whatever 2 movies I want tonight and you have to get me any snack I want. You also have to sit next to me."

"Fine. And if I win. I get to drive your car whenever I want to for the next 3 months and I won't help you get away from fans."


Chres won. Sadly. So the two movies he chose were The Purge and Love & Basketball. I liked both of those movies so it wouldn't be a problem watching them. The only problem would be him wanting to eat the world and not letting me watch the movies.

Chres put in Love & Basketball in first. He sat on the edge of the couch and I sat next to him.

"Why are you acting so shy? What's wrong did someone hurt you?" Chres would beat their ass in a heartbeat if someone did.

"No. I'm not acting shy. What are you talking about?"

"Well when we were little we would always cuddle when watching movies."

It was true. So we cuddled and watched the movie. About 15 minutes into the movie Chres decided he was hungry. Here we go.

"C can you make us some popcorn and get me some Sprite?"

I got up, made the popcorn, and Sprites for both of us. I got 4 more bowls of popcorn for Chres by the end of the movie. Then he put in The Purge. This was one of my other favorite movie besides Love & Basketball. I had got 2 bowls of popcorn for Chres before I fell asleep next to him.

When I woke up I heard SpongeBob on the tv. Then I saw I was sitting. I was cuddled with Chres, me on his lap and he was...


So here's an update. Sorry it's been awhile. I just started school and still tryna get used to public. Excuse the mistakes.

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