Chapter 15 : Together Again

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It was about a month later and everything was back to normal. Well as normal as someone dating their cousin planning revenge on a gang he used to involved with could be type of normal.

Prod was out of the hospital, with a cast on his left leg, and his girlfriend following him everywhere. He had some scratches here and there but tried to make them seem macho. I don't care how macho he tried to make himself I would always laugh because he shot himself and somehow broke his leg.

Chres and I got a cheap apartment so the boys didn't know about our normal place. Chres also introduced me to one of his good friends, Myles. Myles was into DJing and it just so happened that MB needed a new DJ after their old one got busted for drugs. He was in their gang but they didn't even try to help him out, what great friends they are.

Myles had known Chres since they were little and they both trusted each other with their lives. I on the other hand didn't, you ain't gonna be introduced to me and we be down, you gotta earn my trust and respect.

I didn't want Chres to tell him about the plan against the other boys' gang incase he was faking with us to get information for them, but I knew I couldn't control him and he would have to make the decision. I just hope he made the right one.

Now he was at the boys' local studio working on writing new songs after their old ones had been released and some other group recorded them before they could finish. Chres also brought Myles so he could be introduced and taken into consideration for the DJ's job.

Knowing the boys, if Myles would become their new DJ he would have to be jumped into the gang and swear to secrecy. Back in the day they didn't jump anyone into anything because they were too young and small, now they all had their strengths.

Chres was probably the best at almost everything. Gun, knife, no weapon, hell I'm sure if he found a pen he could beat someone's ass with it. Ray was good with a knife as well as Prince. Prod was the weakest, weaker than Prince, being that he only was good in fist fights. Prince and him acted like thugs but were afraid to kill so they didn't really use guns but they did have them. Ray, he wasn't afraid to kill, he'd done it before. If Myles joined he would be a lot like Chres, just not as well with a knife, from what Chres told me.

The girls weren't that bad, wait I'm lying, they're awful. In all honesty, no one knew how far Kyle was willing to go for their little 'gang', not even Mercedes. Poptart was absolutely no help, none whatsoever. She handled a gun and knife well but was terrified of blood. She had hands but was afraid to hurt someone, I didn't take her for the flower type. Last but not least was Mercedes. Do I really need to tell y'all? I will but its pretty much what you already think. Good with a gun, alright with a knife, and okay with her bare hands, she wouldn't punch as much as she would just strangle you. Oh and her older sister Liyah you may ask, she's a badass, or at least she was until she had her son.

No one knows but everyone thinks she's gonna play it like a regular gang. Have two blood children, the first one to kill the leader takes over the gang, from there both the siblings live happily ever. If one dies the other takes over. In the end only one of the siblings will be alive or able to take the lead and the process will start over.

I know, I know I got them hands and can handle a gun well. Well I hope I have hands, you can't judge yourself, you just gon say your the best. So I guess only time will tell.

After being at the studio for about 2 hours Chres called me and asked if I could meet him at The Place. The Place is what we called our apartment, just for safe measures.

It would take me a good hour and a half to get there because I was chilling at our house which was now called The Mall. Whenever we talked about the real mall we would use its actual name, hopefully clearing up any confusion between us.

When I got to The Place I saw Chres on the couch with Myles watching tv. He got off the couch and abruptly said we need a gang name. My first instinct was to play dumb until he said that Myles already knew.

Turns out him and Myles weren't cool since they were younger, he was Chres's second cell mate after his first one took his smuggled phone and Chres nearly beat him to death.

I actually kinda did think he was coo but once Chres told me this about him I was scared shitless of him.

"Aye! No need to be scared," Myles said almost immediately.

Man could he smell fear or did I show it, me showing fear, I must be getting sick. Naw he had to have smelled it.

"But I think I have a name for the gang, HTD," Myles said after a few seconds of silence.

"Naw that's a whack name," Chres chimed in as I thought it.

"And it sounds like STD," I mumbled under my breath, yet they both heard me, and fell out laughing.

"or HTC, like ion want my gang to sound like a phone," Chres dumb self said while stifling a laugh.

"Well it's means Honesty Through Distrust," Myles pipped in trying to make it sound better.

"What about...






This was mostly a filler chapter, but it was longer. Watch no one reads it because its before Thanksgiving but oh well. I also didn't proof read so excuse the mistakes.

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