Chapter 14 : Playing the Games

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(POV : Ciara )

I was down in the second basement and I was practicing ball. I was scared being down there by myself since our house was so big and Chres could've been anywhere. Whenever I went downstairs I took a large knife and I'm glad I did.

I heard the elevator dings and knew someone was coming down. I was positive it wouldn't be Chres cuz he 'ion ball like me. I set the basketball down and picked up the knife in just enough time. As the elevator doors opened I threw the knife toward the figure before I saw who it was.

To my surprise it was Chres and I nearly took his head off. The knife was centimeters from his neck and he was panting, knowing if he got in the elevator the wrong way he could've been dead.

"Ciara what the hell?"

"Chres!" I said as I ran to hug him, "I'm so sorry. Ion like being down here by myself. Ya kno it'll be easier to kill me since you can't hear nun."

"It's okay baby girl. I'll put somethin down here so you don't feel dat way." he said still in our hug. He grabbed my ass and kissed me on the top of my head even though it was full of sweat.

All I had on was a blue nike sports bra and basketball shorts. I got the ball and went up as Chres pressed the button for the elevator.

Under my basketball shorts I had on some spandex and knew that it would tease Chres. When we got to the main floor, I saw that Chres had made a shitload of food and it smelled like heaven.

He laid all of the food out on the floor in front of the couches like an indoor picnic. He sat down on the floor and signaled for me to sit next to him. Before I sat down next to him I walked in front of him with my ass facing him and slowly pulled down my pants. Then sat next to him like nothing happened.

( POV : Chres )

Ciara. Damn. She didn't know it but she was already teasing me when she practiced ball in a bra and shorts. Then she pulled down her shorts to reveal some spandex. Damn, damn, damn. She was too good at this game and she was only 14.

As she sat down next to me I quickly grabbed a plate and put it on my lap to subdue my little friend she was creating.

That plan didn't work. She took the plate off my lap and straddled me. After that she pulled her phone outta her bra and started playing Take You Down by Chris Brown. She was grinding on my dick and well just damn.

After the song was off she took a different plate and began to dig into the food I had made.

"So you gon help a brother out or nah?"

"There's some lotion in the bathroom. Help yourself and make sure you wash your hands, ion wanna be ... ya know."

"Wow that's cold. That's how you gon do me... your favorite cousin?"

"What can I say? The games have begun & I always win."

15 minutes later I was back and she was sitting there eating watching Paranormal Activity. She was laughing her ass off. I ran behind the couch then jumped over it scaring her and sending her food flying everywhere.


"So that's Chresanto 2 and Ciara 1. Look who's winning now?"

"Only at the moment. I always win in the end."

"Not this time."

(POV : Ciara )

"Not this time."

"Young Chres I could even the score right now without even moving."

"Ok then. Try."

I pulled out my phone and showed him the video of him moaning. He instantly got red and embarrassed.

"So I believe the score is Ciara 2 Chres 2. "

He then snatched my phone outta by hand and deleted it, I figured that if I showed him he would do that so I backed it up on my computer. Did he honestly believe I wasn't gonna put it on another device of mines?

"So Chres you mad or nah?"

"Nope. But I didn't even know I was saying it out loud."

"But ya know I gotta kno, who's name was you moaning like that?"

He didn't answer for a long time, then finally said me. Me, what?

I stopped thinking about it and saw this as the perfect time to put me in the lead. Chres and I were now sitting on the couches because food was on the floor from when a certain someone scared me.

I stood up and dimmed the lights with the little dimmer thingy on the wall. Through my phone connected to our TV I began to play Beyonce's Dance For You. I was going to tease the hell out if Chres.

Throughout the song I grinding on his lap as he kept sliding further and further into the couch. My lap dances weren't that good but they were good enough for Chres.

By the time Dance For You went off Roczilla was in full show. The next song that came on was Ready by Fabulous. The song was only about a minute into the song when Chres pushed me off of him.

I thought he was mad but I don't know. You have to be careful when teasing Chres because he can only take so much.

As soon as he pushed me off of him he tackled me onto the floor and started to make out. His freaky ass had his hands all in my shirt, but I really didn't mind, he is my boyfriend.

We laid on the floor for 2 more songs just making out. I was already as naked as I could be when we started so there was nothing I could take off without losing the game, but Chres on the other hand had taken off his wifebeater and shorts so he was left in his boxers.

"Damn ma. What dat mouf do? I mean you kissing that good at 14." Chres said while still on top of me.

"I mean I know I'm good. That's how an August is made."

"But I'm the original August."

"Well there's always a rough draft before you get perfection."

And that is why I loved our relationship. We could always make fun of each other knowing the other didn't actually mean what they said.

We eventually got off of each other and stated to eat again. What? August's are always hungry and will express that by eating, and we don't get fat. Don't you feel salty?

"Oh and I believe the score is Ciara 4 ... Chres 3."



Just to clarify : the loser of the game is the one that get naked first.






The end of another chapter. I think this one was very boring but y'all might think different. sorry it's a short chapter I kno. And sorry it's not proof read.

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