the twenty ninth letter

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dear ethan,

graduation's coming up soon; everyone's kind of freaking out about how we're going into our last month at school, and how soon enough we'll all be at college.

i'm terrified, ethan.

i'm terrified about growing up, about leaving this old town that we've lived in for our whole lives and actually doing something different. i'm scared that you won't wake up in time for graduation, as well.

i'm scared that all those dreams we've had since we were 14 years old and started high school, those dreams of graduating together, going to college and growing old side by side;

i'm scared they can't come true anymore.

remember when we were 6, and we would talk about our lives when we grow up? how we would draw our apartment that we'd buy together, and spend hours just discussing where we'd live, what pets we'd get, what kind of bunk bed we'd sleep in.

remember that? i could never forget.

you are my best friend, ethan. i can't live without you, i can't do this - graduate - without you. it's too scary, and - not that i'd admit this to anyone but you - i'm too weak.

you're my other half; we live together, hold each other up and give each other support, and when we're apart...

i fall down.

just these past couple of months, i've completely crumbled without you there, i just can't cope.

and i hate this, i hate feeling so fucking dependent on you, but you're my best friend for fuck's sake! i am dependent on you, i can't survive without you! i hate it but it's true, i love you so damn much and i literally cannot stand to live in a world without ethan bailey mitchell in it.

and we're a package deal, y'know? we're ethan & chloe, always have been, always will be.

we're like salt & pepper, scott & stiles, cereal & milk.

you can't have one without the other. it just.. doesn't work.

so, if you could wake up before graduation because i am freaking out, that would be super great, thanks. :)

love from your best friend,

chloe. xx

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