the eleventh letter

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dear ethan,

okay, confession time. big secret telling about to follow in this letter that you'll probably never even read. :)

here goes..

in eighth grade i had the biggest ever school girl crush on you..

this is really weird.

okay, it was only an innocent little crush, alright? nothing big, nothing like love or any of that sappy bullshit - i was thirteen.

but yeh, i kinda liked you from the while, but you had this massive infatuation with kirsty, one of the popular girls who was followed around each day by her posse of minions.

cold hard truth? you have an extremely shit taste in girls, my friend. good thing you've got me to keep you on the right track, huh? ;)

anyway, that was all for today's letter, i was just thinking about it last night and about how weird it was that for a while i actually liked you like that. glad that those feelings are completely out the window now.

i won't be around for a few days, mid terms are coming up and i think your mom would appreciate it if i gave you and your family some space for a bit, as much as she tells me she loves seeing me around; i can tell they just want some alone time.

but they say that you're improving slightly, showing more brain response or something. whatever it is, it's good news. so typical of you to milk it all the way, getting all the attention physically possible. ;)

but anyway, i'm getting seriously bored & also i'm totally going to fail all my midterms because you are my master shifu, always helping me with studying and now i can't remember anything you taught me on how to remember all this pointless bullshit. :(

pray for me, best friend. i'm going to war. (aka a shit ton of exams ew)

love from your drowning in revision best friend,

chloe. xx

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