Chapter 3: "Doctor! Doctor?"

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--3 Week Later--

(Aomine's POV )

I walked into the house, tired from my day. I closed the door and was met with the silent weeping of someone inside the house. Confused and baffled I walked into the house, dropping my bag and pulling out my gun, just in case. I walked towards the bedroom

"H-How...?" I heard a voice question, the wear of hours of crying making the voice scratchy "I should call him before I pass out again...."

"(First name)?" I questioned

"Daiki?" He called "I'm in the bathroom, please don't freak out"

I walked towards the master bedroom "Why would I freak out?" I questioned as I opened the door....... To my newly crimson bathroom, (First name) was sitting on the floor holding a razor blade in his hand as blood slowly dripped from certain places on his body


"I didn't mean to, you have to believe me" He pleaded dropping the razor blade "I don't even remember coming into here...." He said crying and crying

I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed one of the EMT's

"Hello?" It was Ryo's voice, which confused me but I just kept talking as if I was expecting his voice

"Ryo! Send someone down here right now! (First name) is bleeding out!"

"We are on the way!" Ryo panicked into the phone as he told me to stay on the line with him. I set the phone on the rim of the blood covered sink

"(First name)!" I hugged him as I tried to think of a way to save him "Look at me, please" I said "Talk to me, let me know--"

"I love this life.... I truly do, Daiki..." He said holding onto me "I don't want to die...everything was a blur anyway, but I loved every second of it..." He cupped my face "I love my life, I love my fiance... I love--" He spat out blood from his mouth and then went limp

"(FIRST NAME)!" I called "(FIRST NAME)! Wake up!"

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

"I need you!"

"DAIKI!" I heard a yell and that's when my eyes opened up wide, my whole self felt as though I had been shot, I looked around realizing I was laying in my bed, and looked over beside me seeing a worried face (First name), he was lightly crying "Daiki!" He hugged me

"You're alive!" I began to cry as I hugged him back

"Of course I'm alive. You were having another nightmare, you've been having those since I got home." I held him tightly as I squeezed him, "Daiki, I'm okay." He separated from me and kissed me deeply his passion arising as he did so, "See, I'm fine" he said as he separated from me "We should go to sleep, you have a hard day tomorrow, with the new rookies coming in and all" He laughed as he rested his head on his pillow and faced me as I embraced him so that I could fall back into a deep sleep.


(Narrator's P.O.V)

"Hold the phone!" The oldest child protested

"Takashi, Dad never said that happened" Takaya scolded

"Tch. That's what you think...." Takashi crossed his arms as he leaned back in his chair

"What did happen, Mom?" One of the others asked

"Well, Reiji, (First name) came home"

"What was that like?"

"Listen, when Daiki took (First name) home" Takaya began "It was very emotional, Daiki didn't want to take him home because he was afraid of what would happen, like complications or something. But nothing went wrong, ok?" Takaya smiled "Uncle T is just being dramatic, he just wanted to scare you all." She added "I'll take the story telling over, for now. I'm going to go back to the hospital, when Daiki didn't want to take (First name) home...."


"Are you sure you are okay to go home?" Aomine asked in a nervous banter

"Daiki I'm fine, the doctors think I should go home anyway" (First name) replied as he stepped out of the bathroom in his street clothes and out of the hospital robe.

"I am really uncomfortable with this, (First name)"

"Daiki, I know, but I'll be fine. I promise, there is nothing that could possibly go wrong." (First name) said smiling

"You know damn well, that now that you said that somethings is going to happen to you, right?" Aomine said as he followed (First name) out of his room and to the front desk so that he could sign the papers that allowed him to head home.

"Trust me when I say that I highly doubt that anything will happen, alright?" He smiled "Don't you trust me, Daiki?"

"I hate it when you play that card" Aomine mumbled as he lugged (First name)'s stuff.

"I'm here to sign the papers so I can head home" (First name) said to the lady at the front

"Alright, let me just get one of the doctors on duty today and he'll discharge you. The nurse did some buzzing around and finally seemed to get ahold of a doctor and smiled as she told the two that the doctor would be right up, and she handed them some paperwork to fill out as they waited for the doctor.

"Question 1:" Daiki read outloud to (First name) "Why were you admitted?"

"I'm a pregnant woman here for a check-up" (first name) answered with sarcasm "You know that one" the two laughed

A few questions down and Aomine froze "Q-Question 6:" Aomine stuttered out "What is your sex life like? Ranging from 'nonexistent' to 'every day'" Aomie blushed as he asked the question out loud

"What are you five?" (first name) asked as he took the clipboard with the paper and circled 'Occasionally'. He kept the clipboard and answered the rest of the questions without any more interruptions (the questionnaire took about 8 minutes). (First name) finished the questionnaire and turned it into the nurse behind the desk, she smiled and told him to wait a few minutes and that the doctor was just finishing up on his most recent patient.

The two laughed as they waited for the doctor, who took about 10 minutes to show up.

"I thought I was reading things wrong," The voice instilled fear into (First name)'s heart "I didn't expect to see you again, (First name)"

Standing in front of the two, the last person the two needed in their life right now.... The single person that the two could really go without. This man, brings up everything that the two have tried to forget, the whole past that has taken them several years to overcome (even with Aomine not knowing the full story).

(First name) took a double take as he stared into the face of the doctor.


Mind and Body (Aomine Daiki X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now