Chapter 9: "Emotions of the Past (Part 2)"

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Heading back was the biggest mistake that either of us could've made...if I had known, I would've never returned....

(Narrator P.O.V)

Aomine and (First name) walked from Dunkin towards X University, hand in hand, laughing as they both shared some weird experiences while they were apart. The two finally made it to the front building of X university, the feeling becoming real to (First name) that he'd be living here for the next four years of his life. They made their way to the main office in order to get the room key for (First name) and grab some books he had sent to the school.

"Hello." The voice behind the desk welcomed (First name) as if it was expecting him way before now, the voices owner smiled as it made eye contact with (First name).

"You better have a really good reason for being every-fucking-where," Aomine snapped at the owner of the voice "Because I've had enough of you Misugi." Aomine stared down Misugi, the owner of the damned voice behind the front desk

"I'm just here for my work study, Aomine" Misugi retorted "I'm offended that you'd think I'd be here for any other reason." Misugi smiled, a snakelike smile, towards (First name) which was the exact moment the mood in the room changed. Misugi stood up and walked to (First name), standing in front of him.

"Misugi..." (First name) said, his voice shaking a tad

"(First name)" Misugi began as if he was a small child in trouble for putting his hand in the cookie jar "I hope you can put our past behind us and start a new relationship. I'm truly sorry about what I did to you last year, it was an accident."

"What?! YOU--" Aomine yelled at Misugi but before he could drop anything on him (First name) stopped him motioning that he could deal with Misugi.

"I understand," (First name) said, shocking Aomine. (First name) quickly balled up his fist, so that Misugi wouldn't have time to react, and as hard as he could he punched Misugi square in the jaw sending Misugi down to the ground in pain. "Wops, Misugi" (First name) said as he kneeled beside Misugi "That was an accident, but guess what it still hurts.... And it's going to hurt for a while, even though it was an accident. We both know that what you pulled back then was not an accident, and you are so damn lucky I didn't tell Aomine's Father.... If you try to pull that bull shit on me again you're going to regret it, Misugi." (First name) let out a sigh as if he'd been waiting to do, and say, that for the longest time.

"What's going on--" The teacher who was assigned to watch over the front desk, and Misugi, showed up and laughed under his breath as he saw Misugi on the ground holding his jaw with tears in his eyes. The teacher ignored Misugi and helped (First name) sign in, handed him his key, and wished him an amazing day with a strong handshake.

Aomine and (First name) bowed to the front desk teacher and walked out as they headed to (First name)'s new room.


"It says C. Hall..." (First name) said his new address out loud as if to convince himself that this was real life "Where are you, Aomine?"

"What?" Aomine looked at (First name) with a brow raised "They didn't tell you?"

"No, I'm a late application.... What would they tell me?"

"...All of the Freshmen (first years) live in the same building." Aomine said casually avoiding the fact that the two shared a room just in case

"Nope, they didn't tell me yet, I don't even know who my roommate is."

"What's the room number on your key? Maybe I'll know it." Aomine's heart raced, he was afraid that since no one told (First name) who his roommate was that he was no longer graced with (First name).

"It says 25" (First name) looked at the golden key

Aomine smiled and let out a breath of relief, knowing that it was indeed his room made it easier for him to calm down; but he decided to still be on the down-low about being (First name)'s roommate, he had a good reason with what (First name) just did to Misugi......

"Here we are" Aomine said as the two entered the hall and walked to room 25 "I'll go get the Dorm Manager."

"Okay, I'll get settled in."

(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

"Okay, I'll get settled in." I said as Aomine walked down the hall

It's so good to finally see Aomine, after all this time he's really grown into a man I can see myself growing old with. His shoulders got a pinch broader, his muscles seem more toned... not that I was staring at them.... his voice a hint deeper and he seems happy here, even though Misugi is here..... That threw me for a loop, I was not expecting him here and acted on an emotion that I've been holding back ever since I went to Denmark, I feel a little bad (but not really) that he was the one to get all the frustration of having to deal with my brothers for an entire year.

Denmark was not fun, by the time my flight had landed (which took three days) two of the three of my brothers were there and they told me that it was just a formality to call me, for mom's sake when she was in the hospital... they told me her funeral was the day before and that they'd show me her grave.

I had no money after that fight...... no way out.... I was literally sent to Denmark for nothing, I left the man that I love..... For nothing....

I opened my new room's door, the room smelled like (Favorite scent), I smiled as I breathed in the smell. I closed my eyes as I felt right at home, knowing that I am so going to like my roommate.

His side of the room seemed very impersonal, his sheets and comforter very generic, his desk full of books and a laptop that seemed to be paused on a basketball game, his closet closed, but seemed as if everything was thrown into there and that it was about to burst.

I tried to put the pieces together of who it could be, my mind wandering everywhere, the director told me he didn't know who I'd be stuck with until the week before, but since I didn't have my phone I can only assume they told my brothers who conveniently forgot to tell me.

A gentle knock came to the door, I walked to the door and opened it,

"Mr. (Last name)" A deepish voice said as he made eye contact with me, beside him stood Aomine with a giant smile on his face.

"Yes, that's me" I said smiling back at him

"I am the Dorm manager, that is how you will refer to me as D.M. or Dorm Manager." He said sharply "And this" He pointed to Aomine "Is Aomine Daiki, he will be your roommate for the year."

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