Chapter 22: "My Family (Part 2)"

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(Aomine's P.O.V )

--2 years later--

"Daiki! Daiki~" (First name) called as he ran to me in a zigzag motion; holding onto his head as tight as her little arms could sat Takaya giggling as loud as can be, her face illuminating with joy as (First name) ran around with her.

"Be careful, you two!" I called as I began to pick up the picnic

After the fiasco two years ago and (First name) being worried about a lot of things, actually, we decided to work on them as a couple should. He told me everything he was worried about, every little detail that rubbed him wrong and every idea that made him want to ball up in a corner and cry. It was an intense night, let me tell you that, where he really opened up. After that night we both felt a stronger connection as if we had overcome yet another asinine obstacle.

"Dad fun~" Takaya giggled, her grasp on words getting amazing. I folded up the picnic cloth and placed it into the stroller, and then walked over to a slightly smaller child who glared at the ground as he sat grumpily and a little unsteady on his rump.

"Come on Takashi, it's time to go home" I stretched my arms out and picked him up, I walked over and began to put him into the stroller.

It took us a year of having Takaya for (First name) and I call the adoption agency again and ask them that if they got a young boy to call us, needless to say that they were thrilled. Well it wasn't two months after that that they said they had a 4 month old boy, darker in skin like myself, with straight black hair and sea blue scolding eyes. (First name) and I were ecstatic so we jumped the gun and added him to our family about a year ago.

This time I was the one to hold him first instead of (First name), his cold blue eyes stared me down.

"He looks like a noble scolding you" (First name) laughed

It was because of that comment that we named him Takashi, which means Noble or prosperous

"Daddy!!!" Takaya giggled as (First name) spun around and pretended to drop her a few times

"Come over here, before you actually drop her" I laughed as I was finally done packing up the picnic stuff that we had laid out

"Stupeed....." I heard Takashi mispronounce 'stupid' as he kicked his legs and let out a little cry

I laughed through my nose "What's stupid?" I asked as I kneaded in front of him

"....." Takashi glared at me and stuck out his tongue, his attitude the same as ever. (First name) walked over and let Takaya down onto his hip, he set her down on the ground fixing her outfit that he quickly placed her in, then buckled Takaya into the stroller.


(Narrator P.O.V)

"Wait, Mom! Time out! Are we just going to skip over the whole dream as if it were nothing! I mean you read it as if it weren't a dream! I thought it was real!" Aiko complained "I can't believe that (First name) thought that that was real, and also that you made it seem that all of that actually happened!" Aiko seemed to not want to let it go, he seemed flustered and a little mad that it wasn't what happened

"So if that wasn't it, then what was the reason for (First name) and grandpa splitting up?" Nobu asked as he situated himself on Takashi's lap, which he had climbed up onto a while ago

"Wait they actually split up?!" Kimiko gasped "I thought they still love each other!"

"Well," Takashi began "It wasn't really a choice for them to split up--"

"There is always a choice!" Kimiko complained "Even if it's life or death, you chose one or the other! There can't be no option not to chose!"

"Life isn't that black and white, Kimi" Takashi said a little disappointed "The important thing was that it wasn't anyones fault, at least not intentionally--"

"Takashi, you're ruining the story!" Takaya said "That's not 'till later on, it's not what is next"

"Well the last book you read you went off script too, so let's do that here too." Takashi retorted "I think the downfall started when we were 7 and 8...."

"Oh!" Takaya responded "That's when.... Ya, I think that's when it began too....Are you sure we should start with that? I mean...."

"I'll tell it. I don't need some hand-me-down book to tell me what happened. Dad told us all about it every night. It began the day before our shared birthday parties, which were just easier since we had all the same friends.... And Daddy was running late to pick us up--"


--Years later--

"I'm going to be late!" (First name) ran through the house picking up keys and his wallet as he rushed out the door to his deep green minivan to go pick up Takaya, Takashi, and a few of their friends from school for the sleepover tonight.

The two are turning 7 and 8! I can't believe it! (First name) thought to himself.

(First name) eyed his watch and realized that he might just make it in time, depending on if he went the speed limit or not. He got into the car and decided that he'd rather end up at the school in one piece.

Hitting every red light.

Ending up behind every slow car.

Running into everything possible that could make him go slower, was just how it happened.

He was in a rush, and the universe knew it....

Oh well... I guess I'll get there when I get there.

(First name) pulled into the school pick up zone and got out of the car, so that he could properly wait for Takaya and Takashi. A seemingly similar van pulled up behind him.

"Dad, why are you late?" A small boy walked towards the similar van and called to the man inside as he was walking down the steps. The kids deep brown-red hair curled at every melodramatic stomp.

He looks a little familiar... (First name) thought to himself as the kid fixed his glasses and crossed his arms, almost refusing to enter into the van.

"Sorry, I got caught in traffic" The deep voice shot through (First Name)'s system making him feel paralyzed as he tried his best to focus on the building now, knowing full well who the voice belongs too. The person got out off the van, walking towards his kid.

"You were late yesterday too, so I couldn't ask you if I could hang with Takashi or Takaya today...." The child, the same age as (First name)'s, pouted as he walked passed his father's attempt at an embrace "Let's just head home, Mom's probably waiting..."

"(First name)-kun~" (First name) heard Takashi call for him, or so he thought, and as he was about to scold him and tell him not to refer to him like that the small child beside him replied

"Hey Takashi!" The depressed boy illuminated at the sound of Takashi's voice, which to (First name) was never this chipper.

That's when (First name) froze, his son and daughter know this child.... This child who is named after him... and no it's not like it's a coincidence either....

"Hey Daddy" Takashi ran up to (First name) with a slight twinkle in his eye as if this boy meant the world to him "can (First name)-kun, come over? His dad's right there! We can ask right?" (First name) took a breath as he turned towards the father of the child

"What do you think?" (First name) faced the father of the child, deciding to be the adult in this situation, and asked the shocked man who didn't know how to react to this "Do you mind if your child comes over to my house, Tovu Misugi?"

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