Chapter 23: "My Family ( Part 3)"

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(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

How in the world did I get myself into this type of a mess? How was I able to dig myself so far into this rut that I highly doubt I can get out...... Daiki is going to kill me when he finds out... which will be any second since today he's on patrol and I placed us in a park where he'd see us on his way around.

"(First name)-kun, slow down!~" Takashi called as he ran after Misugi's kid, his face illuminated with hope and he was actually laughing as the kids were playing a dramatic version of Tag, and surprisingly Takaya is keeping up with them well.

"You've grown into a fine man, (First name)" Misugi kept complimenting me

"Thanks... again" I said trying to figure out who else the kid looked like

"Isn't he amazing," Misugi looked at his son "I just started being in his life two years ago, his mother was a nurse that I met back at the hospital before I was arrested." He let out a sigh "I didn't even know she was pregnant until I got a visit from her and beside her stood a four year old boy who looked so much like me. She told me she named him after you, do to our past, and at the time he didn't understand what that meant. I got out about three years ago and when I got my head back on my shoulders, so to speak, I decided to ask her to be my wife and actually make a family." Misugi seemed lost as he followed his boy around with a smile on his face "You must have one interesting woman to have two kids who are totally different--"

"They are both adopted, actually." I interrupted him "And I'm not married, only engaged. We plan on getting married very soon though...." I let out a sigh

"So you ended up with Aomine Daiki after all." He met my eyes as if reading me, with my shocked look he replied with "Sorry, you just had it written all over your face: 'if Japan ever lets it be legal for two men to get married, that is'."

"Daiki is a good man. He's the Chief of Police still and he takes good care of me though I'm an idiot and I do stupid things...." I let out a sigh "I guess I'm too afraid to get married..."

"I'm sorry" Misugi suddenly said, as he looked at the ground with a frown very prominent on his face


"I'm sorry that--"

"You fucking dare to meet out here!" Daiki's voice shot through the air, the children stopping their play and Misugi standing up


"Don't even give me any fucking excuses you little shit!" Daiki's brows furrowed at an angle that was foreign to me until this moment.

"Officer is my Dad in trouble?" Misugi's son walked up and asked as he tugged on Daiki's uniform

"Dad?" Daiki questioned "This man is your father?" Daiki kneeled down to the boys level

"Yes, Sir, he just joined my family because he had done bad things in his past....." the boy said in a low tone

"Aomine, I'm not here to do any harm." Misugi began "I am just simply, and innocently, talking to (First name)--"

"It's never that simple with you." Daiki said, clenching his fists "Takaya, Takashi, get in the car." Daiki demanded

"But Daddy why?" Takashi asked, his fun all drained

"Do not question me, Takashi!" Daiki raised his voice and pointed to the car "Get in, now." Takashi and Takaya said goodbye to Misugi's kid and then sadly got into the cruiser.

"Daiki, we need to--"

"Do not...." Daiki interrupted me, he let out a breath "We'll discuss this at home."

"No, Daiki, we need to discuss this now." I said, holding my breath

"I am not talking about this in front of him" Daiki pointed to Misugi "We will talk about this at home. I'm going to head there now, I hope to see the van following behind me the whole way there" He said turning around and getting into the cruiser, waiting to see me get into the van.

"Bye, Misugi." I said waving, knowing that if I bowed Daiki would've lost his shit.

"Bye, (First name)....." He said waving as well as he held onto his son, who seemed terrified and shocked

--At Home--

"I can't believe you!" Daiki yelled, trying to be quiet

"I'm sorry, okay! Takashi and that kid are good friends, I didn't want...."

"What? You didn't want your past with Tovu Misugi to get in the way?! I can't..." Daiki let out a sigh

"I'm sorry, I really messed up this time." I said as I sat down at the table

"Ya you did...... but," Daki sat down across from me and cupped my hands with his "I still love you." He laughed "I really love you. Our lives are amazing right now and I'm not going to let Tovu fucking Misugi get in the way of that."


(Narrator P.O.V)

"But he did let it get in the way, that's the depressing thing" Takashi said as he lightly smiled, thinking back to the good ol' days. But he also felt a little remorse from feeling glad about knowing full well that that was the exact moment his parent's relationship began to crumble.

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