Chapter 14: "My Place is With You"

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(Narrator P.O.V)

Weeks went by again, but Aomine didn't leave. He wanted to be there for (First name) this time, and no matter what he was going to be there; plus it helped that the doctors told him that it would be in (First Name)'s best interest if he was the first face that he saw when he woke up.

Aomine sat hunched over supporting his sleeping head in his arms that rested on (First name's) hospital bed. His breathing mellow and slow as if he were in a dream like state, though his dreams pleasant and taking him away from the present, would often kick him out too early for his own wellbeing just so that he could discern reality from that which is his dreams.

Aomine sat up and stretched as yet another good dream banished him back to reality.

He looked right to (First name) "I love you," his voice croaked as he talked, looking at (First name)'s comatose face, which looked unsettlingly peaceful "I know you probably can't hear me, but I'm here still...." he let out a sigh, "Oh, I wanted you to know that earlier when Satsuki came by she told me that a social worker came by the house. Since I'm with you Momoi walked over from her house to ask what the S.W. wanted. Apparently they wouldn't tell Satsuki what was up so the S.W is coming over later in the week to talk to me here... " Aomine held (First name)'s hand, cold and thin which surged worry throughout Aomine's whole body

"Aomine" Sakurai Ryou stood at the threshold of the door "I'm here to watch him as you go home for some well needed rest and a shower."

"I don't want to leave him, Ryo.... what if he wakes up and I'm not here for it?" Aomine let out a sigh "Could you bring up some clothes and a little shampoo? I rather stay here with him...... I just can't risk it."

"That's fine, Aomine, I understand. I'll be back" Sakurai bowed and then closed the door as he left.

"Ryo is worried about me.... They all are..." Aomine turned back to (First name) "They are so worried that now Midorima is assigned to be your primary doctor, even though this isn't his family's hospital... apparently they all made some calls so that it could be done."

A quiet knock came at the door,

" 'min" Aomine called and without moving let the person into the room.

"I'm here to check his signs, again--" Midorima walked into the room, his lab coat stained with some ink from the pen in his breast pocket and his green hair that was shorter than it was back in highschool.

"He hasn't changed, he's made no movements or noises in the 4 hours that you've been gone."Aomine said backing up, allowing Midorima to take over.

Midorima checked all of (First name)'s signs, his heartbeat, the history of movement and the brain waves, he also stretched out his muscles making full movement of them so that when-- or if-- he wakes up he won't be so sore.

Midorima was finally done he asked Aomine to take a seat, when Aomine did so Midorima pulled up beside him.

"He's showing progress."

"Really?!" Aomine asked excitedly

"Yes, in my professional opinion he should come out of the coma any day, and when he does we are ready to make sure that he stays with us."

"Finally, some good news!" Aomine cheered

"I'll leave you two alone now, but I'll be back in a few hours." Midorima got up and made his way to the door "Oh and Aomine, don't stop talking to him." Midorima then made his exit closing the door behind him.

"Did you hear that, (First name)?" Aomine smiled, smitten with excitement "We'll be okay... everything will be okay..."

--Time passes and another two weeks goes by--

(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

I can finally feel again!

My vision black, due to my heavy eyes being closed, and my body numb do to unknown circumstances.

I felt a sudden need to open my eyes, they feel as though I've overslept. The light hitting them through the room was semi-painful; I looked around and everywhere I looked it was the same.... There was only one area of the room my eyes could focus on, it was also the only place in the room with a little color:  Daiki. His body draped over the bed in a deep sleep, his blue hair and light tan over sized longsleeved comfy shirt warmed that edge of the bed. I went to move my hand, tears streaming down my face, but my left hand was being held so tightly by him in his sleep that I couldn't get it. In a desperate attempt to make sure this wasn't a dream I moved my right arm towards Daiki's head, I set my hand down easily on his head.

"......." I tried to speak but just like last time nothing but air came out. "D-Dai..." I tried saying his name to wake him up, he's always been a heavy sleeper. My voice hurt when I turned to use it, but man am I bound and determined right now to call out for the man I love. I ruffled his hair a little, in hopes that he'd wake up from that "Daik--" I tried to call again, my voice very rough and worn out

"I don't want to wake up right now..." He said tiredly

"..." Just heading his voice I began to weep more

"?!" I felt Daiki jolt, hearing it, his eyes widened and he slowly looked up at me

"Daiki..." I finally croaked out

"(FIRST NAME)?!" Daiki cried out, his face suddenly flooding with tears as he pushed on top of me and hugged me tight, he cried for a second before he jumped up "Midorima!" He chanted outside the room

Daiki rushed in with Taro, we made eye contact and he called out some names in a hurry. Nurse's rushed in with machines and some other things.

"Daiki... what's going.... On?" I asked in a worry

"Nothing, (First name)." Daiki said running over and holding my hand "They are just going to give you some medicine, that's all" He said kindly as he stared into my eyes with so much joy and so much emotion

"Daiki...?" I began worried "How long have I been here?" I asked reluctantly

"That's not important, what is important is that you'll be okay after this and then when you get discharged we can go pick up our daughter."

"Daughter?" I felt my heart skip a beat

"They found a little 6 month old girl, with beautiful red curly hair and sparkling green eyes." He shrugged his shoulders as his eyes overflo "We're going to have a family, (First name)!"   

Mind and Body (Aomine Daiki X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now