Chapter 20: "Same as it Never Was"

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Our love, no matter how hard we both fought for the relationship, was apparently not meant to be. Our relationship isn't supposed to go beyond this moment in our existence.... This is the moment that we are destined to separate....

"Daiki, I love you."

"It doesn't feel like it..." Daiki slowly reached for the ring on his ring finger.... which matched my own that lay on the table, his hands shaking as well as his body.

"I'm doing this for you, for the good of this relationship..."

"Separating is for the best for the best of this relationship?" He asked as he took the ring and pressed it up against his chest "Or is separating best for you?! YOU COWARD!" he threw the ring at me, his anger making his tears stop streaming down his face "Get out of my house. Just leave, there is no need for you here anymore..."


"It doesn't matter anymore! You want me, you don't want me, you run from me, you chase after me, make up your damn mind because I'm done with you playing games with mine." he began to walk towards Takaya's bedroom, where she was lowly crying as if she were falling asleep as she did so.

"Bye...." I grabbed my bags and walked towards the door. Our hearts now separated because of this conversation.... One that if even discussed civilly would destroy our relationship anyway. I knew the second I went to see him at work I was going to regret it.

This is for the best, right? I'm not a coward, I'm brave! Ya I'm brave for bringing up the topic..... but I did nothing I just told him that it was for the best.... Wasn't this for the best? Now they can have a normal life, now Aomine and Takaya can live without the burden of me.

I closed the door to my house, holding onto my copy of the key that Daiki had made special for me, I remember the day he brought it to me. The grin on his face and the hope in his eyes.... I'll never see that again now....

I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to fight this? We were perfectly fine! I just had to question everything I've ever known! My whole life I've had my brothers telling me I'm disgusting and even without them right here beside me I can still hear their mocking voices in my ears.

"You aren't good enough for this world!"

"You are disgusting! Just fucking die already!"

It went on and on night after night..... Why do I want to relive this? Why do I want to make myself live in that household again? What the hell have I just done?

I just ruined the only good thing in my life... I so damn self centered that i couldn't see the good... I fixed nothing.... I did nothing for the better.... I just broke a family, I just made Daiki a single father with a all day job that he'd going to have to probably quit now....


I walked into the cab, the driver looking impatient and tempered. I brushed the tears in my eyes out with the back of my hand as I got into the Taxi.

"Tokyo International Airport, please" I said buckling in

The driver left, his little angry 'Ok' followed my demand of location. I stared at the house as he drove from it.


I woke up in a cold sweat, crying being heard in the background.

What? I grabbed my head which was throbbing in pain, I sat up and looked to my left where Daiki now lay.

"(First name), it's your turn..." he said half asleep lightly nudging me.

"Daiki?" I question beginning to cry my eyes out, his eyes shot open and he sat up as well, quickly engulfing me in a hug.

"What's wrong?" He asked after the fact.

"Why am I here? Why are you hugging me? I'm so confused...." I grabbed onto him tightly

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned

"I just walked out the door.... I don't understand...." I buried my face into his shirt, elated that he was right here, but not fully understanding the situation

"What's the matter, (First name)? I don't quite understand what you are saying." He reluctantly asked

"I-I..." I said, the crying in the background subsiding as if she lulled herself back to sleep "I thought we split up..."

"What? Why would we split up?" He questioned separating our embrace and cupping my face

"Well... This morning at 5am, the 12th, you went back to work and the second after you left for work Takaya began to cry so I took care of her but that was all normal and stuff. After I calmed her down and we both took a nap Takaya and I visited you at work, but you know that you got a job offer in Osaka and you turned it down because of our relationship. Because of that I got extremely discouraged and I felt as though I was holding you back... So I thought I broke it off because of that. I literally just walked out the door a second ago.... But.... I'm here...."

"(First Name).." He began, tilting his head in confusion "I go back to work today, but obviously it's affecting you someway so if you want me to stay on leave for a while I can--"

"What did you say?" I looked at him in horror

"It's only 3am, on the 12th.... The day I go back... I can--"

"NO!" I said grabbing my head in disarray

"What?!" He questioned concerned

"You're telling me that whole thing was a dream?! .... I dreamed all that pain, and misery in only five hours?"

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