Chapter 11: "Emotions of the Past (Part 4)"

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(Male! Reader's P.O.V )

"It will be, just take your medication. I'll be back." Doctor Misugi said as he handed me three pills and a cup of water.

It appeared something didn't set right in him, as if he was going to confess to something that he has been the cause of for years.

I felt the pills melting in my palm so I quickly, and individually, took the pills in an effort to make since of all that has occurred today.

I layed on my back, ignoring my exposed chest as I closed my eyes to the calming consistent beat of my heart on the monitor.

My eyes feel extremely heavy...

I began to fight sleep.

I want to know how officer Aomine's story ends.... It sounds so familiar....


--The Summer before their Second year of college--

The last class of the day just got out, we were instructed to grab our necessary items and clear out for summer break.

"We only need our electronics and the chargers." Aomine stated as the both of us packed up our books and left the classroom.

"I'm going to need clothes, and my toothbrush, and not to forget the rest of my crap." I replied motioning for us to hold hands as we walked to our room.

"You don't need to pack all that stuff up, we've got all of that at my house." He said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"...." I felt my face heat up, I stopped in my stepps (stopping him with me)

"What?" He turned around confused

"A-Are you inviting me to stay at your house."

I mean I know I stayed there before... but this time it feels different... I mean he's asking me to stay over rather than the mess that happened to make me stay there last time.

Aomine just stared at me, his face flushed and his free hand covering his chin in an attempt to think this out.

"Y-ya..." He finally commented "I am inviting you over-- for the entire summer." He smiled, him thinking the same thing as me.... That this time it's different. He brightly smiled and let out a hearty laugh "come on, we've got to do some quick packing and then take the bus home."


"We're home!" Aomine enthusiastically called into the house as we both entered through the door. The house was quiet for a second before Aomine's mother came stumbling out of her room

"Welcome home!" She called running to us, embracing the two of us in one big hug. "It's so good to see the both of you" She said kissing our foreheads out of pure excitement

"T-Thanks mom..." Aomine smiled at her

"It's good to see you, too." I replied to her

"How was Denmark?"

(Aomine P.O.V)

"How was Denmark?" Mom innocently asked

The feeling in the house drastically changed as (First name) seemed to be holding back crying and having a full on elementary tantrum

"I-It was.... Tolerable..." He finally replied with his fingers digging into his palms as his hands formed fists.

"And your mother?" Mom persisted when she knew she should've left it alone

"..." He let out a long breath "She... died before I got there..." he said then shaking his head as if to banish the bad thoughts "How are you and Mr. Aomine?" He suddenly changed the subject, though I don't blame him.

"Solid" Mom said forming an 'ok' symbol with her thumb and pointer finger "He's on patrol right now, but he should be home in a few minutes." Mom smiled a worried smile as she eyed me trying to signal that she wanted to talk to (First name) alone but I shook my head 'no'.

Mom there is a reason I haven't been told... ok? It's none of our business...

"We'll go get settled in" I said motioning for us to take our stuff towards our bedrooms

"Save that for later," Mom's voice waivered as she set our bags down and pulled us to the table "you need a home cooked meal. You two look starved." She began to rummage through the cupboards looking for something to cook up

"Is everything alright?" I asked

"Yep!" She laughed to herself "Everything is just great!" She eyed the clock and calculated something in her head.

(First name) waved at me, silently signalling me to lean in closer to him

"What?" I whispered

"I feel like she's stalling for some reason."

"Why would she stall?" I asked

"--hell if I know" He shrugged his shoulders

"Is pork and jasmine rice ok?" mo masked as she grabbed a box of jasmine rice and searched the refrigerator for pork, and the other ingredients.

"Ya sure, sounds good" We both replied

She smiled and got on with cooking, her smile weak as if she was indeed avoiding something, but then again she could be effected by (First name)'s mood just moments before.

"I'm home!" Dad called as he opened the door

"Welcome home!" The three of us called

"Oh, (First name), we weren't expecting you." Dad said caught off guard as he closed the door behind him

"I called you guys a week ago and told you I was probably going to bring him over." I said as if they should know, which they should.

"I don't remember this" Dad said a little anxious as he looked at mom who shrugged her shoulders and put her arms up in defence

"What's going on here?" I asked now officially paranoid

"Well..." Mom began as she turned on the rice cooker.

"We told you we were going to do some renovations, right?" Dad asked to which I agreed "Well we converted the guest bedroom into a storage room.... Which means that (First name) will have to share a room with you." Dad said awkwardly

"And?" (First name) questioned "We already share a room"

"(First name)" I said realizing what they were getting at "We don't own a futon or a pull out bed..."

"And it's not healthy to sleep on the floor." Mom added

"Ok?" He said confused but then suddenly putting the pieces together

We're going to have to share a bed....the two of one bed... oh dear...

Mind and Body (Aomine Daiki X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now