Chapter 21: "My Family (Part 1)"

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I began to cry happily, laughing as I held my head.

Everything was a dream, Daiki still loves me and my family is still my family.

"I love you!" I pulled Daiki into a hug as I repeated 'I love you' a hundred times as I hugged him tightly "I love my life, I love everything about it! I might be scared about unsolved things and I'll deal with that in due time.... But I love this life!"

"I know, I know" Daiki began to sooth me, his hand caressing the back of my head.

"I love you..." I buried my head in his shoulder

(Aomine's P.O.V)

I thought something was wrong when he was whimpering in his sleep, but he always has nightmares about the past and I didn't feel at liberty to bring that up when Takaya began to cry. I never even conceived that he had created this messed up situation where the two of us split, I mean just how bad does he think we are?

I feel bad for (First name), he's been through a lot over the years we have been together, and also the years we haven't. College was a total bust and middle school he was trampled over.

I just don't want the day to come when I'm the reason for him to be crying..... What do I know, I could've been the problem the past several times.... I was quite the class A ass to him...

"Daiki I love you" He whimpered into my shoulder

"You know what we should do?" I said as I rubbed his back "Let's go see Takaya, hmm?" I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the crib room, I set him down and with his sniffling nose, red face, and puffy eyes he carefully kissed me.

"Takaya," His voice cracked from all the crying "Hi sweetie, are you alright?" He slowly picked her up "This is Daddy, and I'm Dad. That's right you have two fathers and they love each other very much, we love you very much too" To that Takaya smiled and giggled, she squirmed and yawned as she slowly feel back asleep in his arms with a smile on her face. He set her back in the crib, the only thing she cried for was attention.

"I'm sorry you had that nightmare, (first name)" I said as I held him from behind, his tired like state making his body sway slightly

"It's not your fault, Daiki, It's my own. I held in all these concerns and all these fears until they somehow made a reality-like dream where they all came true."

"Let's head back to bed, I'll call into work and tell them I need another few days off." the two of us held hands as we walked to the bedroom, my heart racing a tad that he was under this amount of stress and didn't tell me.

What could I have done differently? Is any of this my fault..... I know he said not to worry about it but the thing is is that I am going to worry about it! I'm not who I was back in Middle school and the beginning of High school, I care now.

We got into the bedroom and he laid down to get some rest, though he seemed hesitant to do so. I called into work quickly, and it seemed like they understood. After which I faced (First name) and pulled him into an embrace, smothering his face in my chest

"I'm right here, there is no where I'd rather be, and no where I am going. Even if you wanted me to go, or the other way around, like hell I'm letting you leave me after the shit we've been through to make this relationship work. I love you so much, (First name), I love you.... So much more that even I can fathom." I looked down to get a response out of him, but he's out cold. His eyes shut ever so gracefully and his (hair color) hair noticeably longer than it has been in the past, and his lips curled into a light smile.

"Like father, Like daughter~" I whispered as I kissed the top of his head and fell asleep myself.

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