Chapter 15: "More and More Dreams"

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(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

Nurses hustled around me, taking Daiki away from my side as they hooked me up to yet another machine and input some kind of drug into my I.V.

"It will be okay, (First name)!" Daiki called in a worried voice through the noise of the nurses

"(First name)," Taro appeared to the right side of my bed "you're going to feel tired, it's okay if you fall asleep that just means the drug is taking effect." Taro said, his normally stoic face smiling a little, "I'll make sure you stay with us this time."

We'll have a family! Daiki's voice echoed in my ears.

A family?

A Family?

Us have a family? The two of us, with everything we've been through.... Have a family? I mean we've talked about it, we've even joked that our kids would be trouble makers and possibly even basketball stars, but that was all jokes.... Us actually having a family...... us?

~~~ Dream relm~~~

Knowing this was a dream, knowing full well that the blur of the beginning with yells and an angry Daiki, made me happy and at the same time I wished that this was our reality. The quick blur of the house that we were in, glorious. It appeared to be two stories and all new furnishings, but that was not the main focal point of this dream. No, Daiki was livid, his feet stomping to the car.

"Daiki, what's wrong?" I asked concern filling my heart

"Get into the car, Dad just called." He said getting in angrily and forcefully turning the car on. I slowly got into the car without thinking and then--because it's a dream-- we were right at the station. My heart began to race, *Why are we here?* I followed a pissed Daiki into the station,

"What did he say?" I ask as we enter

"Daiki" Daiki's father stood cross armed, his face less than pleased

"You've got to be kidding" Daiki said tapping his foot

"Nope, your son is in a holding cell, Daiki. He's drunk, his blood alcohol level is twice over the legal limit." Daiki's father began to usher us both towards the holding cell

"Was he the one driving?" Daiki hesitantly asked

"...Yes, he was. He was swerving around, I got a call about it from someone on the road and when he told me the license plate I almost shit my pants. I picked him and three of his friends up."

"It's my car, isn't it?" Daiki asked as we walked through a door

"Yes, but it's not totaled and he didn't kill anyone, so now all he needs is a stern talking to..." He stopped in his tracks in front of a cell, a cell filled with the four boys sprawled out on the floor passed out

"Oh believe me, I'm going to give Takashi a stern talking to."


I slowly opened my eyes, Daiki's laugh in the background noise.

"Daiki?" I called to him, moving my body a little.

"Oh (First name)!" He said excitedly as he dismissed the person he was talking to and walking over to me "How was your hour nap?"

"Do we even have room for a child?" I asked without thinking.

"Well...that's the first thing you ask?" He sat down, his aura awkward as if he wasn't ready for that question "Actually we do, Ryou and I made room. The both of us painted the room and bought two cribs and two beds, we placed them in the room, which is the old office but we never used that room."

"Wait, two cribs and two beds?"

"Well we'd need to buy them later on anyways, plus we don't know the age of all the kids.

"All of the kids?"

"We talked about multiple kids," He said beginning to get extremely nervous

"I know, it's just...." I let out a sigh "I just can't believe that we're going to be a family." I slowly sat up, supporting myself for the first time in what seemed forever.

"You mad, aren't you" Daiki said holding my hand "If you want there is still time to call the agency and tell them that we can't right now."

"Daiki" I laughed out my nose "I didn't say I was mad, I'm actually the complete opposite. Daiki, I'm so happy, so very happy." I smiled as Daiki then embraced me, his lovely cologne that I missed so much invading my nostrils.

"I'm happy too!" He whispered into my ear, his voice a little scratchy, "I'm so glad to have you back..."

"Speaking of that," he separated from me "You and Taro have said something along those lines lately, what is that all about?" I asked

"W-W-What....... What do you remember?" He asked a question to my question

"I remember....? Oh, being at home, I had just got home from the doctors and then we ate together. I told you that I didn't want our relationship to end because I love you, and then I passed out, but that's all." As I said that Daiki began to cry "Daiki what's the matter?!" I placed my hand on his thigh

"You... You were given a strong drug, that drug went into your brain and.... and it made you forget.... (First name) you forgot everything..." He grabbed my hand into his and he put it up to his face as I just stared at him "You didn't know who Misugi was, you didn't recognize Sachi, and you forgot about me. The drug made you forget the last fourteen years..."

"I--I'm so sorry, Daiki"

"Misugi was your doctor, I had to deal with that bastard... Then.... then you flatlined.... I thought I lost you" He kissed my hand, "I thought you left me, and then when you went into a coma... no one thought you were going to get out, because of that I was sent back to work and I sent a new officer to come and check on you every day. I called him to make sure he made it to your room and I wanted him to tell me your condition, but then he yelled for me to come here... that's why the first time I saw you I was freaking out, I never thought I'd get to see your beautiful (eye color) eyes again. When I heard your voice, I lost it....I needed you, I still do." Daiki sniffled and looked to his left, his crying halting as he met eyes with someone. I looked in that direction and standing in the doorway was Taro.

"Oh, Taro" I said, taking in a breath "What do you need?"

"In my professional opinion, I am comfortable in letting you head home tomorrow." He said his stoic emotion not yielding.

"What?" Daiki asked

"By that I mean, the way things are looking right now the results of the drug we gave you, you should be sleeping in your own bed this time tomorrow."

Mind and Body (Aomine Daiki X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now