Chapter 17: "Wake me up, Please!"

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[Warning! There will be content in here that some may not find appropriate, read at your own risk]

(Male! Reader's P.O.V)

I stood in a black room, with black padded walls, and void of all furniture. I went to reach out for something but my hands were hugged around me and tied at the back, as if I were trapped in some sort of insane asylum. I looked around in a frantic panic.

"HELP!" I tried to call out, but my cried drowned out by the padding on the wall.

What is going on?! I walked around, my legs extremely weak and wobbly. I fell back to my butt, and then just decided to fall to my back. I stared at what looked like a mirror on the other side of the room, I scrunched my face to it, trying to see if it were a mirror or a window.

The room was suddenly illuminated with a click of a key and an unsettling squeak.

"You have a visitor" A monotone voice said as he and a few other men in white walked in with a metal chair. They picked me up and situated me onto the chair, I tried to fight them as much as I could muster, trying to protest with my voice but nothing audible. I was in front of the mirror, the three men standing behind me as if they expected me to say confidential things, but.... I can't even talk...

The other side of the mirror, which was now identified as a window, illuminated. On the other side was an adult woman, a black haired male, and an older version of Daiki. Daiki gasped as he made eye contact with me.

"H-Hey.." He said, noticeably holding back tears "Hey, (First name)."

"Daiki? Daiki what's going on?" I asked, but he didn't answer

"I'm sorry... we haven't been able to visit you as much...." The adult woman said, her red hair curling at the ends and her grassy green eyes making my stomach give me an uncomfortable familiarity.

"I'm against this whole fucking thing..." The younger male commented as he walked quickly towards the door.

"Stop" Daiki grabbed him "This is probably the last time you'll see him in a while"

"Good!" The boy said looking towards me and not taking his eyes away "Dad deserves to be in here. He doesn't deserve to be walking around normal people. He's insane." He then ripped himself out of Daiki's grip and left.


I went to ask Daiki a question, but then everything flashed. I felt as if I were being dragged backwards, in front of me looking like a jump to hyperspace on a Star Wars movie.

I was suddenly sitting at the kitchen table, in a home that was unfamiliar to me with Daiki at the other end, and two younger versions of the kids that were on the other side of the window.

"How was your day Takashi?" Daiki asked as he looked to the boy who was staring at his food and childishly playing with it.

"Fine." He answered in a 'don't-even' attitude.

"Takaya? How about you?" Daiki focused to the girl

Takaya? I questioned to myself

"It was fine, too." She smiled as she made eye contact.

"Okay...." Daiki then turned to me, he smiled and rested his chin on the back of his hand. "How about you, my darling?"

"It was good--" I tried to convey my emotions again, but my voice didn't work. I brought my hand up to my throat to caress it, massage it. When I did I was then transported again, this time I felt pain on my back, as if I was chucked to the ground and over me a man choking me. "St-Stop!" I tried to call out, but the feeling of my esophagus collapsing was too intense,

"Why don't you get thrown down into hell, where you belong" I focused on the face as much as I could, with my brain killing its cells one by one.

Misugi?! I thought to myself as my eyes began to close.


"(FIRST NAME)?!" I opened my eyes in a hurry. In the background an ear piercing cry and a concerned voice looming over me. "(First name)!" It was Daiki, he helped me lean up and he embraced me. "I've..." He was crying "I've been trying to wake you up for half an hour.... Takaya started crying because I was in hysterics....." He held me closer, "Let's get you some water and I'll bring Takaya out." Daiki picked me up bridal style and walked me out to the kitchen, he placed me at the table and got me a glass of water. After he gave me water he turned and went to retrieve Takaya.

I took a sip and was slowly realizing that that was all a dream.... I was here in a cold sweat with the man I love and the newly acquired daughter that we got about three weeks ago.

Daiki walked out, Takaya in his arms, a little more calm but her eyes extremely puffy from crying.

"I'm sorry I worried you..." I said taking another drink of the water

"You were thrashing around, and talking in your sleep. I knew you were having a nightmare so I tried to get you out of it. It became bad when you began choking yourself after you fell off the bed" He said looking at Takaya "I got your hands off around your neck and tried to bring you back... which thankfully worked...." He let out a sigh as he then looked up to me "What was your nightmare about?"

I hesitated in telling him. More or less because of all the trouble I've already caused him. I just stared at him as he waited for an answer. I let out a breath and looked down to my glass of water as I explained to him all that the dream entailed. His face horrified at all the details that I told him, the asylum, the distorted family, the alley way. He was pale when I reached the end, not holding back any of the details.

"I'm sorry...." He said standing and motioning his head toward Takaya's bedroom which was towards ours.

I left the cup at the table and walked alongside Daiki towards Takaya's room. He placed her down in a crib and then turned towards me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. He hugged me tightly and placed a passionate kiss on my lips and cupped my face

"Daiki..." I called his name in the kiss

"I'll hold onto you all night, and when you have a nightmare just think of me punching all of them, and remember the first time I held you..." He talked soothingly into my right ear as he began to caress my thigh "Remember how I'm holding you tonight, right now" He kissed down my neck, "Remember everything I'm about to do to you, and drown out all those terrible things with my penetrating love."


My nightmare was rooted in a fear, Daiki..... but I cant tell you that. I want to ask you: How long is this fake family going to hold? Daiki and I aren't even married... Takaya is technically his and I'm just a stranger.... what would happen if he died... she would have to go back into the system.... this fake family has to become real.... I have to marry Daiki before he gets taken away from me.

Mind and Body (Aomine Daiki X Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now