Chapter 7: "Patience is a virtue for the Strong"

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"I'm going to kill you" Aomine said threateningly as his grip tightened back up and he lifted Misugi off the ground by a small margin.

"Aomine-kun!" Kuroko protested as he tried to stay stoic and out of this little dispute between the two. Aomine looked at Kuroko and began to calm down a little, he set Misugi back down onto the ground

"Yes, Aomine, listen to him." Misugi laughed "That's a good boy--"

Aomine quickly balled up his fist and swung his arm as hard as he could towards Misugi; his hand purposefully missing Misugi's face as his fist created a decent sized hole in the wall beside Misugi's head.

"Don't tell me what to do" Aomine said in a calm, yet livid, manner. He brought his fist out of the wall, the white powder from the wall coating his tanned skin ""You dare touch (First name), no..." Aomine stared Misugi down as he wiped the powder off his hand "If I find out that you had something to do with this, I'll put you six feet under-- without a coffin." Aomine turned and walked into (First name)'s room with Kuroko right behind him.


"But, Mom, Grandpa isn't that violent now" Reiji commented

"No he's not" Takaya answered "He was violent only when Misugi was around, or when it involved Misugi."

"Misugi isn't a good guy... I hate him" The oldest commented "I really hate him and wish I could talk to him so I could figure out his mindset..."

"We all wish that, Aiko, but we can't" Takashi said

"We're getting off the story!" The, only, little girl protested "What about Sachihiro? What about (First name)? Does he get his memory back, does he ever--"

"Hold on, Kimiko, I'll get to that. Okay, the story continues with Sachihiro finally making it to the hospital...."


"Aomine?" Sachihiro knocked on the room door as he opened it slightly

"Sachi" Aomine walked over trying to be quiet "He's sleeping right now."

Sachihiro walked in and looked at his baby brother in the hospital bed, his heart broke as he witnessed this, "How do I even approach this?" Sachihiro asked to himself out loud as he watched (First name) grumble in his sleep.

"That's what I wondered too" Aomine replied "I just announced who I was, in hopes the nurse and doctors were playing a trick on me.... And then when he didn't know who I was I tried, so hard, to act like it was our first meeting."

"That must've been tough, Aomine" Sachihiro said; he moved a seat to the edge of the bed so that he could sit down

"Ya, it sucked when he introduced himself to me as well, I thought my heart actually broke at that point. It hurts so much to see him like this...."

"Officer?" (First name)'s voice sounded as he woke up and looked Aomine straight in the face while he sat up

"D-Did you rest well?" Aomine asked

"I had another nightmare, but I'm okay now." (First name) looked straight Sachihiro "Officer, is this one of your friends?"

"You.... don't know who I am?" Sachihiro's voice escalated through several octaves

"N-No. I mean you look like my eldest brother, but he's only in high school." (First name) said scratching the back of his head "Sorry, I don't know who you are."

"Sorry, I have... to step out for a moment..." Sachihiro rushed out of the room and closed the door behind him as he fell to the floor and began to weep to himself quietly enough so (First name) couldn't hear him but noticeable enough to worry the nursing staff.

The door opened and closed again, Aomine coming out this time.

He sat beside Sachihiro,

"That was unexpected" Sachihiro said sniffing and wiping his already swollen eyes, "I... I didn't, couldn't, prepare for that..."

"I know..... But we have to bear it, there is no way to just make him remember." Aomine stood "Come in when you're all good. I'll stall him with a story about college or something" Aomine left and walked back into the room

"Is everything okay, Officer?" (First name) asked

"Yes" Aomine thought for a second to come up with a cover story "his brother has amnesia and you look just like him" Aomine said, regretting what he said as he sat down in the chair beside (First name) "He'll be back in a bit when he's collected himself"

"I wonder what it's like to have amnesia..." (First name) questioned as he looked down to his fidgeting hands

"I had it, though I had selective amnesia"


"Ya" Aomine said leaning back in the chair "It's when you look back on a certain event so much that you forget about it, or that the memory is so skewed you don't remember what actually happened"

"I wish I could forget everything" (First name) said,

Aomine's heart broke more, just by hearing (First name) say that. Aomine wondered many things to himself, like: Has he always felt this? Did he wish that we weren't ever together?

"No" Aomine said a little loud, startling (First name) "No, you don't wish that." he let out a long sigh "It hurts to not know, and it also hurts those around you when you don't know. Everything that has happened to you up until this point has made you who you are, if you take even one thing away it can change who you are drastically."

"S-Sorry..." (First name) apologized

"I'm going to share with you a story, if that's alright. It's about my partner. I lost memory of him in middle school, after he left me in the dust because he had to leave the country, and throughout high school I never even thought about him until he came back in my life my third year. I knew there was something special about him, but I just couldn't put my thumb on it. After a while my friends intervened and helped me remember who he was, with there help I was able to remember a lot. Sadly he left me again, just when I was about to have him"

"Did he come back to you?"

"He did. He came back after a whole year, bruised and broken all over again. That's when I swore to him that I would protect him, and I became a police officer for him." Aomine let out a breath "My mind had already been broken for him, so all that was left, then, was to break my body for him"

"You'd really do that for your partner?" (First name) raised a brow

"Yes, I would do it a million times for him. I'd break both my mind and body."

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