Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The Day of the Party

"So you excited for today?" Tristan asked

"I am, I'm so ready for the Huntzbergers to get their karma back. lol" Rory said

"Haha, your so funny. But really are you ready to become a double heiress for 2 major families?" Tristan asked

"Ya I think I am. There is no other way around this, but I'm ready and its time." Rory said

"Good, so I hear the whole gang is coming. I thought it was only going to be your mom, Ella and me." Tristan said

"At first but then mom sorta let the cat out of the bag and invited the others." Rory said

"So how did your mom get Luke to go?" Tristan said

"She has magical ways with Luke." Rory said

"Ohhh and Sookie, Jackson and Lane just got added to the mix." Tristan asked

"Ya, well that and since mom couldn't stop talking about the Huntzberger's getting their payback, everyone wants to see for themselves." Rory said

"Ohh, I get ya now, so what time do we need to be there for?" Tristan asked

"I think grandma said she wanted us there at 4." Rory said

"Cool, so how is Ella liking her extended stay and you too." Tristan asked

"I think she's really enjoying it, we've always just come for the weekend or a week but never more. So I think she's taking a really liking to Stars Hollow." Rory said

"Well that's good, I know I've been with you on some of the short trips and she always makes a fuss about staying longer." Tristan said

"Yup she sure does, now I just hope the opposite happens when we leave in 2 weeks." Rory said

"Yes let's hope." Tristan said laughing

"Haha, ok let's get ready to go." Rory said

At the Party

"So everything is ready to go all we just need for the guest to arrive." Emily said

"Ok sounds good, where is everyone at. Are Rory, Lorelai and Ella ready?" Francine asked

"Yes, I think they were just getting the finishing touches done when I last left them." Emily said

"Ok good, I really just can't believe that this day is here and that Rory is actually going to become the Hayden Heiress. I always thought I would have to leave it to Gigi. When Rory came over to see Chris after Strobe died, I knew I would have to do something if I wanted a relationship with her. I am just so happy she decided to give me a chance." Francine said tearing up a bit

"Oh Francine, of course she was gonna give you a chance. Things might not have been ideal when we all learned about Lorelai being pregnant, and when she ran away to Stars Hollow but you have that chance now and your making the most of it." Emily said

"Yes you are right, I am happy with things now, but the past and not seeing how she grew up to be this magnificent woman still hurts." Francine said

"I know, we missed the early years too when Lorelai left and only saw them on holidays but I will always be thankful for Chilton and those Friday night dinners." Emily said

"I'm sure, but enough of this sad stuff we have a party to start. Do you think the guess have started to arrive?" Francine asked

"I'm sure some have started arriving let's go and see." Emily said and both her and Francine left to go to the ballroom

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