Chapter 12

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They had just finished dropping off Logan and Josh at the Dragon Fly.

Ella had fallen asleep on the ride home and Tristan carried her up to her room. Rory followed to help get her undressed and in her pjs, when that was done she headed downstairs. Lorelai was making coffee and they all decided it was time to chat about the night's events so, they all decided to get in more comfortable clothes and come back to chat.

"So, that was quite the event tonight and the events following as well." Lorelai said

"Ya, definitely not the party I had in mine when we talked last. I'm sorta happy that it's all out there and everyone knows the truth, but it still hurts a bit too." Rory said

"Ya, hearing a lot if that made me question somethings but I can't imagine what's going on in your head." Tristan said

"Yup, you don't want to know what going through my head. There is so much going on its going to take a while to process." Rory said

"Well, you can always talk to us if you need any help." Lorelai said

"Thanks guys, I think I need to have more talks with both Logan and Josh tomorrow. I get that Logan didn't remember but why would Honour lie like that to both of us? I think they are the only ones I can get answers from." Rory said

The next morning

Rory had gone to the dragon fly to see Logan and talk more. Ella wanted to come too. After Ella had her time with Logan, she went with Lorelai and Rory went to talk with Logan.

"So, where to begin? I guess my biggest question is why Honour lied but I bet you can't answer that one." Rory said

"Well, I think I can a little bit. Josh and I talked a little last night after you dropped us off, and he thinks that because I was so down and almost depressed. She didn't want you to screw with me again and for me not to get hurt even more then I was already. He doesn't know if that's why for sure, but that's his thoughts on it." Logan said

"Well, part of it makes sense but not all of it." Rory said

"I get that, I have a lot of questions for her myself, but I have a something I want to ask you and I don't want you to get offended." Logan said

"Ask away, I doubt it will offend me but go on." Rory said

"How close is Tristan to you and Ella? I know you said nothing ever happened, but Ella seems to adore him." Logan said

"She does adore him because he's always been there to help or just to play, so they have that bond but I wouldn't worry about it. You'll create your own bond with her and it will be better than hers with Tristan, because you're her dad. That's a special one of a kind thing." Rory said

"Thanks, I kind of needed that." Logan said

"You're welcome, so what are you doing for the rest of the day?" Rory said

"Josh was looking to go home and talking with Honour and I was thinking of going with him." Logan said

"Ok, well why don't you stop by for dinner if your done by then. I'm sure Ella would love to spend more time with you." Rory said

"Sure, if I get through to Honour I might stay there but I'll text you to let you know for sure." Logan said

"Sounds good, I'll let you get ready and hopefully see you later." Rory said

At Josh and Honour's house

"You ready dude?" Logan asked

"As ready as I can be." Josh said

"Well, I guess this is it." Logan said

Logan goes to ring the bell, when Josh pulls his keys out and opens the door

"Oh ya, right its your house." Logan said laughing

Josh opened the door and they walked in and called for Honour. They started looking around and kept calling for her but figured she'd gone out. They started talking about the night before a little more and were still trying to figure out why Honour did what she did. They decided to turn the tv and see if a game was on. They started flicking through the channels when they landed on a news channel and in big bold letters on the screen said HPG going under, Huntzberger's dethroned from society.

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