Chapter 11

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So, after the big scene everyone was about to leave when Lorelai said that everyone was welcome at the Dragon Fly for the night. Logan and Josh took up the offer but Emily and Francine said they would just go home and see them later.

Rory, Lorelai, Ella, Logan, Tristan and Josh all got into the limo they took to the event home to Star's Hollow.

As they dropped off Logan and Josh at the Dragon Fly and the rest of them went home Logan couldn't help but be bothered by Tristan going home with Rory and Ella when that should be him.


Rory awoke the next morning and went to check on Ella, she had just opened the door and found her and Tristan in the kitchen making coffee and breakfast.

"Well your up early? What's the big occasion?" Rory asked

"You couldn't have forgotten already, today's the day you become a double heiress." Tristan said

"Hmm, must have been a dream then. I could have sworn that it was yesterday, maybe I just dreamt it." Rory said

"Well wouldn't that be nice, but no we have to hurry your grandmother's will be on our case as to why we were late." Tristan said

"Ok, I'll go get washed up and dressed but not before my coffee and kiss." Rory said

"Kiss yes, coffee no. You know you can't have any and I will not let you, I thought you would learn after everything you went through with Ella. I'm not having you or my kid be put in danger like that." Tristan said standing his ground

"Yes I did learn, but I can't drink and thought one sip wouldn't hurt to get me through the day, boy I can't wait to see you when the girls start dating, your one protective bear and this one isn't even born yet." Rory said joking

"You bet I'm over protective, I don't want anything to happen to my 3 special girls." Tristan said rubbing Rory's belly

"Ok well I guess I better get a move on them, is Ella already to go?" Rory asked

"Yup, we are just waiting on you." Tristan said

"Alright, I'll be quick." Rory said and kissed Tristan and went to get washed up

At the Party

Rory, Ella and Tristan had just arrived when Francine and Emily came to greet them.

"Well don't you all look stunning tonight, how are you doing Rory? Everything going ok? No complications?" Emily and Francine asked

"Hi Grandma's, everything is going well so far, so we are just hoping and praying everything goes smoothly the rest of the way." Rory said

"Well that's good to hear." Emily said

"So shall we go in and mingle a bit?" Francine asked

"Yes we shall." Tristan said and they all made their way into the ballroom

Rory and Tristan had left Ella with Lorelai and Luke for the evening as they did their rounds. Right as they were going to get a drink they almost ran into Logan.

Logan having not gained back any of his memory saw Rory as they turned and everything came back to him, he didn't care who she was with all he knew is that he needed to talk with her.

Logan was just about to head in the direction of Rory and Tristan when Colin stopped him.

"What are you doing? Do you know who that is? You can't go after her, she's off limits." Colin said forcefully to Logan

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