Chapter 18

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The announcement of the new HGH (Hayden Gilmore Huntzberger) publishing was days away and Logan was getting calls from Mitchum for the last week that went unanswered. Logan hasn't talked to Mitchum since he walked out of their talk that day.

Everyone was in town for the big announcement and couldn't be more prouder for both Rory and Logan and all they have done to get HGH up and running again and better than ever.

It was the day of the announcement and everyone was there. Lorelai, Luke, Chris, Emily and Francine. They wouldn't be at the press conference but in another room with video and sounds to watch it.

"We have gathered you all here today to announce the new owners and CEO's of the new HGH publishing company. They are Rory Gilmore Hayden and Logan Huntzberger. As well HPG is being renamed and re-branded as Hayden Gilmore Huntzberger publishing. We know that the company will be in good hands and they've laid out their plan and have many new improvements coming." The head Boardman said

"So, why was Mitchum impeached? What did he do wrong?" Reporter A asked

"If you don't know, you better go and do some homework. But I will fill you in, Mitchum did not do or say nice things to Rory when she and Logan dated in College. He said she wasn't fit to be a journalist and would make a great assistant or secretary, but not a journalist. Along with the Huntzberger family saying she wasn't good enough to marry into the family since she wanted to work. Rory called them out on their shit while she was becoming a double heiress for both the Gilmore and Hayden family. After her announcement and the influence she had to get all the Huntzbergers expect Logan banned and dismembered from society is another thing. Also, the next day stock went down at an alarming rate and the investors were worried and complaining. So, we did what was best, Logan might not have had an active roll in the company for the last 5 years, but always called us the board and checked in to see how things were. He knew what his father could do and be like if something were to arise. We the board knew Logan was the person to go to and that both him and Rory taking over would be the best thing for the company. Its already growing from their plans." The head Boardman said

After the Boardman finished his speech, Logan added that they are ready to take the company into the digital age, with lots of improvements and updates to the system and company. Rory then added that HPG would have had a very hard time staying a float if they weren't willing to change with the times and technology, as they have seen since taking over.

"Thank you all for being here." The Boardman said and then they all left the room

"So, I think that went well. Now we just have to see what the public thinks." The Boardman said

"I think it went well too, told them some of our plans and hope it gave them some perspective into things." Logan said with Rory agreeing to his response

The rest of the family starts to make their way into another room where, Rory, Logan and the Boardman have just walked into.

They were all proud and loved their ideas and can't wait to see what happens next.

After news broke about Rory and Logan taking over HPG and renaming it HGH, things start to pick up again. When Mitchum finds out he was in shock, he couldn't believe it. The little brat got his company and banned him and almost the rest of his family from society. He starts to think back to when he first met her and would he mess with her now if he could go back? He'd probably still have his company and society status.

Later that afternoon when Elias finds out he is shocked but not as shocked as Mitchum was. He was proud that both of the were taking it over and renaming it. This was their fresh start and he couldn't be happier it was somewhat still in the family.

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