Chapter 10

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Logan had just taken a seat on the bench when the door opened again and he saw Rory sit down next to him.

"Hey, how's it going?" Rory asked

"Hey, I'm good but what about you?" Logan asked

"I'm good, I've missed you though." Rory said

"Ya me too, I've missed you too." Logan said

"So..." Rory said

"So I take it that Ella is mine?" Logan asked

"Ya, I did try and call but Honour told me that you had an accident and that you didn't remember me and told me to stay away so that's what I did." Rory said

"Ya apparently that's the same story I got from Honour too." Logan said

"Wait, What? I'm confused." Rory said

"When I was asking for you after my accident, Honour told me not to bother that you were in an accident on the campaign trail. That you were now with Tristan. So she told me not to waste my time." Logan said

"I was never hurt and Tristan is just a friend. I went to Chilton with him before he was shipped to military school. He's just been a good friend who helps out sometimes. But why would Honour both tell us lies? I thought she liked me? I so badly wanted you to know about Ella. I literally called everyone. First I tried your cell but it was already disconnected, then I tried the guys with no luck. Honour was my last hope. When she told me about your accident I didn't want to believe it, but I had to." Rory said as she started to cry

Logan moves closer and hugs her while saying "I would have been there in a heart beat. It wouldn't have mattered what had just happened with us, I would have been there 100%." Logan said

"I know and that's why I was trying so hard to get a hold of you." Rory said

"I know you tried your hardest, I'm just kinda bumped that I missed so much." Logan said

"Well I have lots of pictures and videos to show you, I always hoped that one day you would be able to see them and meet her." Rory said

"Well I can't wait to see them, and to think I just thought this would be just another society event, boy was I wrong." Logan said

"Haha, ya so not the society event anyone was thinking of. But I will say it felt really good to do that after all this time. I'll just have to tell everyone your excluded from that list." Rory said

"That would be nice, and I was so confused at first but then I was so proud. I mean no one has ever talked to my family like that and for you to be like the new head of society and for your first order of business to be to ban and dismember them from society was priceless. I'm sure I'll get a through talking to about dodging your bullet." Logan said laughing

"Oh I'm sure you will, just wait until they find out about Ella and everything else." Rory said

"Oh ya that's going to be one hell of a show." Logan said

"So I was thinking that I would like to know Ella and possibly move to D.C. and live closer to you guys, that's if you'll let me?" Logan asked

"I'm sure she'll love that, and I would not want another other than that. I want you to know her, I would never stop you from that. I'm mean when you move down I'm sure she would love it if you took her to school and picked her up. I want you to be her dad in everyway possible." Rory said

"Well thank you, honestly I want to be involved as much as possible. I would love to take her to school and pick her up. That would mean so much, I just want her to love me." Logan said

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