Chapter 14

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Once they get to Rory's house, Ella goes to her room to play while Rory shows Logan where the spare bedroom is.

While Logan started unpacking his things, Rory was also unpacking and making lists of things she needed to do tomorrow before she returned to work in 2 days.

The next morning Rory woke up to a delightful smell. She went to see if Ella was up and saw she was so she headed downstairs. When she got downstairs she saw that Logan had made breakfast and Ella was dressed for school. Thinking to her self, Rory thought she could get used to this if it were to occur regularly. Rory got herself a plate and started eating, when she was finished she thanked Logan for making breakfast. Logan said welcome and that he would do dishes, while she went to go get dressed. Ella went to watch some tv until it was time for school.

Once everyone was ready, they all got into Rory's SUV and headed to Ella's school.

Ella's School

They all start heading inside, Rory tells Ella to make her way to class and that she's going to talk with the principal.

Rory and Logan head to the office to talk with the principal.

"Hello Rory, nice to see you this morning. What brings you by today?" The secretary asked

"Well I was looking to talk with Lynne this morning." Rory said

"Sure, I'll go get her, but if you don't mind me asking who is this with you today?" The secretary asked

"This is Logan, Ella's dad. I'm sure I told you he was in a pretty bad accident before Ella was born and his family shunned me out when they found out about the accident. We've talked and its taken a while for his complete recovery, but he didn't want to waste or miss any more time than he already had because of his family. So, expect to see him around a lot. He will probably drop off and pick up Ella most of the time now." Rory said

"Oh, wow quite the story. Yes, I do remember something to that effect. I'll be sure to remember that, I'll go get Lynne." The secretary said

"Ok, thanks." Rory said

After an extensive talk with the principal Rory and Logan headed back home.

"Lynne will see you know." The secretary said

"Thanks." Rory said as she and Logan made their way into the principal's office.

"Hi Rory, I heard you wanted to talk this morning." Lynne said

"Yes, I did. Ella's dad is now in the picture and I wanted you both to meet." Rory said

"Ah, well I am happy to hear that. So, you must be Ella's dad? Lynne asked

"Yes, I am. I'm Logan Huntzberger." Logan said

"Oh well, so how did this come about? Lynne asked

"It was at that party my grandparents were having for me." Rory said

"Oh yes! I remember you said something about that." Lynne said

"Yes, he was there with his family and wasn't told the truth after his accident." Rory said

"So, is that what happened? You had said he had memory loss and didn't remember you." Lynne said

"Ya, I only had memory loss for a couple days, then I remembered everything but was told lies about Rory moving on. So, I didn't want to bud into her new life and stayed away." Logan said

"Ah, I see well, I am glad you are now part of Ella's life! We are always trying to include the parents when they can. As you might not know we are a special school just for parents who work in the white house. So, they all have something in common and wouldn't be bullied if they were to attend a regular school." Lynne said

"Hmm, no I didn't know, that's really cool. I think that's great, they all have parents who work in the same place. It is really neat and such a great opportunity." Logan said

"Ya, and Ella really loves it here which I'm glad. I was really nervous about her starting school, but once they told me about the school I felt better because she would be going to school with most of her friends, and kids from day care." Rory said

"Oh cool, that is definitely a plus side. I can tell this is a really great school." Logan said

"Yes, we do try to plan it that way with the day care and any other aspects." Lynne said

"So, Logan will mostly likely be dropping and picking up Ella from now on." Rory said

"Okay, sounds good. Anything else we need to discuss?" Lynne asked

"No, I don't think so, I believe we have covered everything." Rory said

"Okay, great. I will see you again soon." Lynne said

"Yes, thank you." Rory and Logan said

"Your welcome, have a good day." Lynne said

"You as well." Rory and Logan said

A couple weeks later they had gotten into a routine that Logan would drop off and pick up Ella at school, and Rory would go straight to work but often she would leave early and go with Logan to pick Ella up.

Tristan had been distancing himself from Rory and Ella to give Logan time with them as well as it hurt a little to see them as a family when it should be him instead.

One night after dinner, Ella had asked why Tristan hasn't been around much. Rory said she would call him the next day and talk with him

Tristan told Rory why he hadn't been around much and said he would try to be around more for Ella if that's what she wanted.

3 Months Later

Logan gets a call from the HPG board saying that they need him in New York right away for an emergency meeting since things have gotten worse since Rory's double heiress announcement and the fall out from that.

Logan talked with Rory and asked her to come as well. They would drop Ella off in Stars Hollow and then head up to New York for the meeting

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