Chapter 9

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Hey everyone, I am so sorry for not updating sooner. It has been hell the last 5 months. I got a new job  and that keeps me busy working 40hrs every week. Then I come home from work one day to discover my toilet cracked all down the side and leaked water everywhere. It was not fun to clean up nor was it fun to go through an unexpected reno. Since there are 2 bedrooms on either side of the bathroom all three rooms were gutted and redone because of the water and mold growing inside the walls. It only took the insurance company 3 weeks to send someone out to see the damage.

Sorry for the rant. Hopefully you enjoy the chapter, more should be coming soon.


So it was then agreed apron that both of our granddaughters would be a double heiress. The Gilmore Hayden Heiress.

So if you would please help me welcome our Heiress Lorelai Leigh Gilmore Hayden the 3rd, formally know as Rory."

Before we officially kick things off I would like to say something to one particular family if that's okay.

I was told by Shira and Elias to my face that I wasn't good enough to marry into their family. I wanted to work and that's not what a Huntzberger wife does. They plan parties. They even said that I wasn't society enough just because I wasn't raise here but raised in Stars Hollow. Then the next day at Yale, Mitchum comes into the news room and offers me an internship. I turned him down flat, but he wouldn't take no for an answer so I took the internship. Well at the end of that internship, Mitchum sat me down and told me that I didn't have what it took to be a journalist and that he just knows when someone got it and that I apparently didn't have it. Well look how that turned out. I'm the press secretary for the President. So I would like to have a vote to see who here agrees with me that we should ban and dismember the Huntzberger's from all things society. Who is with me?"

Rory saw Logan leave towards the lobby and she knew it was time to talk with him.

Chapter 8

Stephanie, Colin and Finn were just standing there stunned at what had happened. They all thought and were told that Rory had memory loss from an accident on the campaign trail, it appears not. Also they didn't know Rory was a Hayden and were equally as shocked when it was announced that she was the Gilmore Hayden double heiress. The three of them were proud of her for standing up to the Huntzbergers in front of all of society, and getting them banned and dismembered. Colin saw that Logan was walking to the main door and was going to follow, when they all saw Rory go after him. They all decided that they would let them be and talk everything out.

"Oh My God!! I can't believe it, not only does she remember everything she's a Hayden and took out the Hutz's. Wow it was right there in front of us the whole time and we never made the connection that she was a Hayden." Steph said

"I just can't believe it, she's friken worth more than any of us. Damn your right, how did we not make connection. We knew about her past, who her mother was, it was the biggest lesson any of us had gotten in terms of using protection. She fit right in with us even though she wasn't brought up here, which we all thought was weird but went along. Wow is right, it just slipped past our fingertips." Colin said

"I know right, it was right there all along and nothing. I just want to get to the bottom of why we were all told to stay away and that she had memory loss, when she clearly doesn't." Steph said

"Well I'll be damned!! Nice work reporter girl, nice work. Hey where is Logan at?" Finn asked

"Not sure we lost him a little bit ago, we assumed that Shira and Mitchum got to him." Colin said

"Figures as much, they don't let him do anything but his "civic duty to society" get that." Finn said

"I know right, he even wanted to take me shopping the other day, I knew that things were hitting the fan with him if he voluntarily wants to go shopping." Steph said

"Yikes, that is bad, Oh wait, is that him heading towards the doors? Maybe we should go after him and talk." Colin said

"Na let him be, reporter girl's got this." Finn said as they all saw Rory going after Logan

Meanwhile on the other side of the room Honour was just shocked, she couldn't talk or move. She knew she was going to be in big trouble and that her plan back fired. She wasn't lying when she told Rory that Logan had memory loss, but didn't tell her how fast his memory had come back. When she heard that Rory and Tristan bumped into each other she had told an aggravated Logan to stop worrying about Rory, and to stop thinking of ways to contact her on the campaign trail and just forget about her. She told Logan that Rory was in an accident and had memory loss and that she was now reportedly with Tristan. After that Logan just gave up, he didn't care about anything anymore. Mitchum had already forced his hand and way back into his life by telling his new business partners that he was out and would give them the money from his portion. Mitchum did this without Logan's knowledge and also told Logan to get back to Hartford and start back up at headquarters. It was not even 2 weeks after the fact that Logan was back in Hartford at Huntzberger Publishing when he collapsed. The doctor said he over exerted himself to fast so soon after his accident. After that Mitchum got a stern lecture about letting Logan do nothing until he was better. So from there on out Logan was pleased to do whatever he wanted and didn't even have to touch his trust fund. Daddy dearest gave him back the family black card and was to do what he wished. Logan thought finally no pressure, do whatever he wanted, no school to worry about nothing. About a month and a half later Logan was tired and fed up of having nothing to do. He thought why, this is what I always wanted and now I'm sick of it. As he started to think he knew why he wasn't enjoying his new found freedom, it was Rory. She had taught him that work didn't have to always be hard and boring, it could be fun and enjoyable when your doing something you love. That's why he got involved with the tech company in Palo Alto. So he started to look at stuff online and different things. Soon he found himself involved with another tech company, they wanted him to travel to all of their offices all around the world to see if they are up to snuff and see where they are at production wise. The company wanted to make sure that all of their offices were somewhat at the same place and that none were lagging behind. Logan loved that idea, he didn't have to tell anyone and still got to travel, it was the best of both worlds. He knows he could have gotten a job like the one in Palo but thought this would work out better for the time being. That is what Logan has been doing for the last 5 years without no one knowing. He is quite happy with how things are going.

Honour was knocked out of her daydream when Stephanie, Colin and Finn were jumping down her neck demanding to know why she told everyone to stay away from Rory and that she had memory loss and didn't remember anything. Honour wouldn't come clean but the three told her that she would be in for a real treat once Logan finishes talking with Rory.

Logan had just taken a seat on the bench when the door opened again and he saw Rory sit down next to him.

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