Chapter 3

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The next morning

Ring, Ring

"Hello." Rory said

"Hey how was last night?" Tristan asked

"Oh very interesting, they both asked me to be the double heiress." Rory said

"Really?" Tristan asked

"Ya I said I had to think about it but I really don't know what to do. If I do, then I risk them knowing and if I don't then they have no one to leave it to except my parents." Rory said

"Ya I totally understand both, but you do whatever you feel is right and I will back you up with whatever decision you make." Tristan said

"Thanks, I needed that." Rory said

"Your welcome, now can you open the door it's a bit chilly out here?" Tristan asked

"What?" Rory said and opened the door

"Hey Mary!" Tristan said

"Tristan! What are you doing here?" Rory asked

"Well I was missing my girls and thought you could use some help making your decision." Tristan said

"Aww thank you, you're the best!" Rory said

"Where's Ella?" Tristan asked

"Still sleeping, she should be up soon." Rory said

"Ok, so talk to me what does your pro/con list say?" Tristan asked

"I haven't made one yet. I was just going to start when you phoned." Rory said

"Ok, well let's start." Tristan said

"Alright, so obviously a con is the Huntzbergers and Logan finding out." Rory said

"Wouldn't or shouldn't they know already?" Tristan asked

"I don't think so, grandma and grandpa kept their mouths shut and they didn't really keep in touch with them after everything they said and did to me." Rory said

"Ok, so they could know but also be in for a rude awakening." Tristan said

"Ya, I think everyone has been saying its yours so no one ever talked or questioned it." Rory said

"I did hear that too!" Tristan said

"So back to the list, con there is no one else." Rory said

"Ya I guess that's true, I highly doubt your mom will want to and your dad is good and set. I mean Francine could always make Gigi the Hayden Heir, but Emily would have a hard time finding someone." Tristan said

"So I guess I have to accept them?" Rory said

"If you want." Tristan said

"Ok, but you promise to help? You know more about business than I do." Rory said

"Definitely, I wouldn't want you losing everything! lol" Tristan said

"Hahaha, very funny." Rory said

Just as Rory and Tristan were laughing Ella came out of her room.

"Hey honey, good sleep?" Rory asked

"Ya what was so funny mommy?" Ella asked

"Oh Tristan was just being funny." Rory said

"Oh I like it when he's funny." Ella said

"Really? Well I'll have to remember that." Tristan said

So do you want to spend the day with grandma?" Rory asked

"Why where you going?" Ella asked

"Tristan and I have to go talk with Grandma Emily and Francine." Rory said

"Ok sure!" Ella said

"I'm sure grandma has a lot of fun things you guys could do." Rory said

"Ok." Ella said

"So what am I doing?" Lorelai asked

"Oh, hey mom can you watch Ella today? Tristan and I have some stuff to do today." Rory said

"Sure! Cant wait, hey honey what do you say wanna spend the day with grandma?" Lorelai asked

"Ya I wanna spend the day with grandma." Ella said

"So that settled." Rory said

"So we'll be going but we should be back later on near dinner." Tristan said

"Sounds good, I hope everything goes well today. Lorelai said

"Ya me too! Thanks again mom and have a good Ella." Rory said

Rory and Tristan left forEmily's while Ella and Lorelai headed to Luke's 

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