Chapter 16

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Rory and Logan finished their tour and look through they head back to Hartford and have a chat with Emily and Francine.

Once they get to the Gilmore house they have some drinks and wait for Francine to arrive, when she does both Rory and Logan explain the situation and tell them what was proposed.

Francine speaks first and thinks that it is a great idea and tells them not to worry about the double heiress coming in the way. This is a great opportunity for them individually and as a family.

Emily says almost the same thing and that she was proud, excited and happy for them both.

They both also liked the name change and approved and also were excited about Rory and Ella moving closer to home.

They both asked about Mitchum and Logan said so far he doesn't know about him and Rory taking over HPG or about Ella.

"I haven't talked with them since the announcement but I don't plan on telling him or my mom about Ella until necessary. Also, I don't think he knows much about what's going on at HPG, we were told that he has no business or knowledge of anything anymore." Logan said

"Well, that's good, have fun with that when he does find out about both. It will be quite the show." Emily said

"Thank you, yes much needed as it will come as a major blow to him." Logan said

"If you both ever need help or anything else like dealing with Mitchum, please don't hesitate to come to us. I think its about time he got his karma back at him." Francine said

"Thank you so much grandma, we will definitely take you up on that if we need to." Rory said

"Well, we better getting going to Stars Hollow to pick up Ella, but thank you for everything." Rory and Logan said

"Your both welcome, anytime." Emily and Francine said

Rory and Logan both left and were just about to get on the high way when Logan's phone went off and it was Mitchum, Logan answered it and groaned when he got off.

"So, my dad wants to have a chat with me right now, mind turning around and dropping me off?" Logan asked

"Sure, I'll go back to grandma's but are you going to tell him anything?" Rory asked

"No, I won't tell him anything unless its absolutely necessary or it comes out by accident if we get into it." Logan said

"Ok, deal. I can live with that. So, drop me off and them come pick me up when your done." Rory said

"Sure, will do. Ok let's get back on the road." Logan said and they got back on the road

Rory rings the door bell and goes into the living room where Emily and Francine ask why she's back so soon.

"We were just about to get on the highway when Mitchum phoned Logan wanting to talk. He's going to come back and get me when he's done." Rory said

"Oh so, he doesn't know about you taking over right?" Francine asked

"Nope, and he doesn't know anything about Ella either." Rory said

"That's definitely not something he's expecting. He will probably create quite the scene." Emily said

"I'm counting on it." Rory said and then they started talking about other things in each of their lives and society

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