Chapter 4

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At Emily's house

Rory and Tristan knock on the door and the maid answers. She takes their coats and they go into the living room and see Francine already there. Emily was just in the washroom.

"Rory, Tristan so nice to see you again." Francine said

"Hi grandma nice to see you too." Rory said

Emily comes into the living room.

"So Rory I hear you have news for us." Emily said

"Yes we do grandma, I talked it over with Tristan and mom and I've decided to take you up on the offer of being the double heiress." Rory said

"Oh Rory that's great news, now we will put out an announcement and plan the party. I am so glad you said yes." Emily said

"Well Rory I'm happy you said yes, it won't be too much for you?" Francine asked

"No grandma Francine, Tristan said he would help me, and I kind of want to throw this in the Huntzbergers faces." Rory said

"Oh yes, that's right I don't think they know. What a sight that will be when they find out." Emily said

"Ya that was one thing I was scared about, them finding out about Ella, but I'm sure already know so I say yes and I hope to make you both proud." Rory said

"Rory what happened with the Huntzburgers?" Francine asked

"I told you I used to date Logan right?" Rory asked

"Yes, I do remember." Francine said

"Well did I ever tell you about the night I met them for the first time?" Rory asked

"I don't think so, but you might have and I just don't remember." Francine said

"Oh no Francine you'd remember this all to well. I am still shocked to this day." Emily said

"Oh really, well Rory do go on and tell what happened that night." Francine said

"So Logan and I were just coming back from lunch and were going back to his dorm to look at movie times. When we got there Honor was there waiting for him. I thought it was another girl trying to hook up with Logan. What a relief when he said she was his sister. Anyways she wanted him at family dinner. She was going to tell them she was engaged and invited me as well. So I went with Logan and they said to my face that I wasn't good enough for their family. I wanted to work instead of being a housewife. That's not what a Huntzburger wife does. So we both left and then the next day Mitchum came to the paper at Yale and offered me an internship at one of his papers. So at the end of the internship he tells me I don't have what it takes to be a journalist and that he knows when someone's got it and that I didn't have it." Rory said

"WHAT!! They said that to you?" Francine asked

"Yup they sure did." Rory said

"Oh yes, I remember the party where Richard confronted Mitchum about it and he was furious." Emily said

"Well I say we humiliate them at this party then. It's gone on for too long and they need a punishment for what they said to you." Francine said

"Shira will kill herself to know what she said to you. I seem to remember a party where you sat her at the lush table." Emily said

"Oh yes that was fun." Rory said

"Wait, what happened?" Francine and Tristan asked

"When I took time off from Yale, when Mitchum discouraged me I started party planning for the DAR. There was this one party they didn't RSVP and so we didn't have a table for them, so I sat them at the slush table." Rory said

"Oh my god! That would have been something to see." Francine said

"Yes it would have been." Tristan said

"So we will get the announcement out right away and the party will be in about 2 weeks. Does that sound good?" Emily asked

"Yes sounds good grandma, but I have one favour. Everyone know I'm a Gilmore so when you put out the announcement can you just say it is the Hayden Heiress. Then when they get to the party both of you can say I'm the double heiress. I just don't want the news getting to them first by the announcement, I want them surprised." Rory said

"I think we can do? don't you think Francine?" Emily said

"Definitely! Smart thinking, and what you said was true. We don't want them finding out before hand." Francine said

"Alright it is settled the Hayden Heiress will be announced in 2 weeks." Emily said

"Yes, and I can't wait." Rory said

"I can tell your excited, so I guess I will be accompanying you to this shin dig eh?" Tristan said

"Shin dig eh? Are you serious?" Rory said

"No just joking, but I can't wait to see Huntz and them get there just deserts." Tristan said

"I think we all are." Emily and Francine both said

"Alright well we better be off, but thanks again and see you soon." Rory said

"Ok see you soon and take care." Emily said

"See you soon, and bring Ella by for a visit sometime." Francine said

"Will do grandma, I'll bring her by in the next couple days. I'll call before I come." Rory said

"Sounds good dear, have a safe ride back." Francine said

"Thank you, ok see you both later." Rory said and left with Tristan

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