Chapter 17

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Rory and Logan both left and were just about to get on the high way when Logan's phone went off and it was Mitchum, Logan answered it and groaned when he got off.

"So, my dad wants to have a chat with me right now, mind turning around and dropping me off?" Logan asked

"Sure, I'll go back to grandma's but are you going to tell him anything?" Rory asked

"No, I won't tell him anything unless its absolutely necessary or it comes out by accident if we get into it." Logan said

"Ok, deal. I can live with that. So, drop me off and them come pick me up when your done." Rory said

"Sure, will do. Ok let's get back on the road." Logan said and they got back on the road

Rory rings the door bell and goes into the living room where Emily and Francine ask why she's back so soon.

"We were just about to get on the highway when Mitchum phoned Logan wanting to talk. He's going to come back and get me when he's done." Rory said

"Oh so, he doesn't know about you taking over right?" Francine asked

"Nope, and he doesn't know anything about Ella either." Rory said

"That's definitely not something he's expecting. He will probably create quite the scene." Emily said

"I'm counting on it." Rory said and then they started talking about other things in each of their lives and society

Meanwhile at the Huntzbergers

Logan get to the house and goes into his dad's office

"So, you wanted to see me?" Logan said

"Yes, it seems like HPG will no longer be in the family because of what your ex did." Mitchum said

"What do you mean?" Logan asked pretending he doesn't know anything

"Her little double heiress stunt cost us the company. I've been impeached because people don't like what this family has said and done to her and they don't want you on because you haven't been involved with the company the last 5 years. So were basically screwed, they won't even tell me who is going to be running it now, some big secret." Mitchum said

"Well she had a right to dad, and the board is doing what will save the company." Logan said

"How can you agree with them? This concerns you too!" Mitchum said

"Actually no it doesn't, while sure I needed time to recover from my accident. I certainly haven't needed 5 years to do so. I've been doing what you bought me out of in Palo Alto and have been doing it across the world. I don't need to be a heir to make something out of myself. I still have that job but will be taking on another job in the next little while. So, no dad it really doesn't concern me and it never did. You can take your bullshit and shove it up your ass." Logan said and walked out

Everything was set up and would be announcing any day the new name of HPG and the new owner and CEO.

Rory had said goodbye to everyone at the White House and Ella has said goodbye to all her teachers and friends. They had packed up the house and found a nice house in New York. Ella started a new school and was doing great and made new friends right away. She was sad to leave D.C. but was happy to be closer to Stars Hollow.

Tristan was shocked when Rory and Ella had come to see him to say goodbye. Rory told him all that was happening and how she and Logan would be taking over HPG and moving to New York.

"Your sure this is what you want to do? Uproot everything just to take over a company, a company no less that once belonged to the guy who told you, you weren't cut out for journalism! Hmm, seems like ever since Logan came back into your life, its been all over the place." Tristan said

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