Chapter 5

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Back home in Stars Hallow

"So that went well, but why did you never tell me about what they did to you?" Tristan asked

"I'm just wanted to forget about them and Logan, and just concentrate on Ella. Plus, I figured the stress of it all wasn't worth it." Rory said

"Ok I get that but why didn't you tell me after, like now before we went in and had a full conversation with your grandmothers." Tristan asked

"I just don't like talking about that part of my life when everything was going downhill." Rory said

"Oh?" Tristan said

"After meeting them and the dinner, my mom and I started drifting. Then after the internship I told her I was taking time off from Yale, and she didn't like it. We didn't talk for months, it's not a great time I like talking about." Rory said

"I get it, the unspoken separation I keep hearing about. Well I guess I can understand, you and your mom are super close and not having that must have been hell. I think I get it now." Tristan said

"Ya not an accomplishment I really like to acknowledge." Rory said

"Enough said, Topic dropped." Tristan said

"Thanks." Rory said laughing a bit

"What's so funny?" Tristan asked

"Just imaging everyone's faces when they realize I'm a Hayden." Rory said

"Oh I know, I mean I was even surprised when you told me." Tristan said

"I know, I don't think I've ever seen you that shocked or mute before." Rory said

"Well that's pretty big news to drop when they aren't expecting it." Tristan said

"Well ya I guess." Rory said

"I just laugh because Lorelai did everything to keep you away from society but you fit right in. I still can't believe you got Huntz to commit and big time too." Tristan said

"Well look how that turned out." Rory said sarcastically

"Its not your fault he got into an accident and had memory loss." Tristan said

"But I always wonder what would have happened had I said yes. Would he still have had that accident? If he did would he have remembered me if I was there with him in person?" Rory asked

"I know there's always what ifs but I think that you've got a pretty great life." Tristan said

"I know and I don't really dwell on this much but Ella asked about him the other day and it got me thinking." Rory said

"Well its natural that she wants to hear about her dad." Tristan said

"I know I just don't know what I'm going to do when I see him at the party." Rory said

"Don't worry I'll help you out. I'll distract him if case needs be." Tristan said

"Hahaha, ok sounds good thanks." Rory said

At Lorelai's House

"So how did everything go today?" Lorelai asked

"Good, we all agreed to humiliate the Huntzbergers at the party. Also the party will be in 2 weeks. The announcement for the Hayden Heiress should be out by the end of the week." Rory said

"Wait, why just announce the Hayden Heiress?" Lorelai asked

"Well everyone knows I'm a Gilmore so everyone would know its me so we want to surprise everyone." Rory said

"Ahhh, gotcha now." Lorelai said

"So how was your day with Ella?" Rory asked

"Good, we went to Luke's then we checked in at the Dragon Fly and then we got ice cream. Finally, we came back here and she fell asleep watching tv." Lorelai said

"Aww, ok well thanks for watching her today." Rory said

"Hey no problem, she's a great kid." Lorelai said

"Alright so come pick out who wants what." Tristan said

"Hmmmm, thanks Tristan, so when do you have to head back?" Lorelai asked

"In a couple days but I'll be back in time for the party." Tristan said

"That's good, what about you huh? How long do you have?" Lorelai asked

"I'm here for the duration. I've been doing all the work I need to by email. There hasn't been anything too big lately so I go back after this is all finalized." Rory said

"That's good, it will be nice to have you and Ella for an extended stay." Lorelai said

"Ya it will, I've missed it here." Rory said

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