Chapter 15

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3 Months Later

It was 3 Months later and the events from the HPG double heiress fallout where still looming and now in the next month HPG will be no longer.

Logan gets a call from the HPG board saying that they need him in New York right away for an emergency meeting since things have gotten worse since Rory's double heiress announcement and the fall out from that.

Logan talked with Rory and asked her to come as well. They would drop Ella off in Stars Hollow and then head up to New York for the meeting

Rory and Logan head to HPG's Head Office, where all the board members are present. They sat Rory and Logan down and explained the situation.

"So, Mitchum has been impeached and let go from HPG completely. Since Rory's double heiress announcement and her dismemberment of the Huntzberger's from the Hartford Society, things have gone south big time. So, we have all met and agreed that we want Rory to run the company with you along side her." The board said

"Oh wow, but why me first then Logan? Shouldn't Logan run it with the option of me along side him?" Rory asked

"Well yes, naturally it would be like that but Logan hasn't been involved with the company since after his accident. He's been away for 5 years, we don't know how people will take that. Since you have been in the press and working with the White House, we thought people would be more receptive to you then Logan. I mean if your uncomfortable with it we can have Logan first, but this is what we thought would be best right now." The board said

"Ok, sure if Logan is ok with it then I'm in." Rory said

"I'm in, I think it's a smart move and maybe we can use this time to re-brand as well." Logan said

"I like how your thinking, new owners/CEO's and new name. So, what were you thinking exactly? The board director asked

"Well since Rory will be the head girl, how about Hayden Gilmore Huntzberger Publishing. HGH it is similar but different." Logan said

"What do you think about it Rory?" The board director asks

"I'm good with everything. I like it but, I want to talk it over with both my grandparents just to make sure everything is ok with them." Rory said

"That's fine, take all the time you need, in the meantime do you want to take a look at everything you will be looking after and dealing with?" The board director asked

"I think that will be a good idea, you in?" Logan asked Rory

"Sure, that's a great idea." Rory said

The board director startedshowing Rory and Logan around first before sitting them down to go over all thereports and finances.    

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