Chapter 6: Goodbye

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"So you're telling me that you think the guy you met in Japan who you call a stranger is Taka?"


F/N and I are now eating a late night dinner together at a restaurant nearby the place where the meet and greet and concert was held.

"I can believe it," F/N nods as she spits out her words.

"What, really?"

I thought my friend would be skeptical about everything I just told her, especially since I'm not exactly certain about...I can't even say it.

"Yeah. Oh, come on. You wouldn't say this for no reason! Plus the way he was looking at you while singing that song tonight..You need to go find him. Right now."

I almost choke on my food.


"You heard me! Let's go find him..!"

F/N pulls me up from my seat after getting up from her own seat and putting money down that she took out from her wallet to pay for the food.


F/N then drags me all the way to the front of the building where ONE OK ROCK's concert was held just an hour ago.

"Look, I'm not even sure if it is him or not-"

"I'm not putting up with your excuses young lady."

"You sound like my- AH!"

F/N immediately cuts me off to shove me so that I enter through the entrance of the building. The doors are still open since people are still cleaning up and putting stuff away.

As I look around, through my eyes, the place is humongous compared to how it was full of screaming fans and ONE OK ROCK being up on stage earlier, making it easier to look back at the fresh memory.

"Hey! What are you doing here? The show is over. You're not allowed inside anymore," this tall man with dirty blond hair and dark clothes yells at me from across the other side of the room.

He's on stage trying to sort out some chords.

"Um..Sorry! I was just looking for someone!" I shout back at him.

"Looking for someone? The concert finished a while ago," the man questions back while looking around the room with a confused facial expression.

"I know but.."

Before saying another word, I look behind me to see F/N making hand gestures even pointing to her ONE OK ROCK bracelet to show me that I should ask where the members are at.

"I know this isn't an appropriate thing to ask, but do you know if ONE OK ROCK is still here?"

"Yes actually. There's no way I'm telling you where they are though," the man chuckles and shakes his head at the thought of me probably being a crazy fangirl.

"I knew you were going to say that.."

I'm about to turn back around to walk away, but then, I steal a glance of Taka walking in from the side of the stage to talk to the man I was just talking to a few seconds ago who looks like he's in his late twenties.

Seeing him there, my body won't move.

I shouldn't be doing this after all. The best thing to do is pretend that nothing happened. I have to leave. Who cares if I get in trouble by F/N. I force myself with all my might to turn around.

"Hey! If you're still looking for ONE OK ROCK, the vocalist is here!"


There's no getting out of this now.

"Do you need anythin'?" a familiar voice echoes from across the room.

Listening to his talking voice like this makes me notice that they really are the same.

I can now only hear the sound of footsteps growing louder and louder behind me, but before he gets any closer, I turn around to reveal my face to him.

Taka stops in his tracks, his face spreading with terror and shock. Realizing who I am, he continues to slowly walk towards me.

"This whole time you were the famous Takahiro Moriuchi?....Frontman, singer of ONE OK ROCK?"

My words cause Taka to stop walking forward in order to scan my face from afar. He also takes the opportunity to say something, but I don't let him.

"But...are you also the same stranger I met that day? That same stranger that I found funny and comfortable to talk even though I barely knew a thing about him?"

Taka now stands in front me, speechless. As his eyes fall to the floor, he lifts a hand to run his fingers through his messy hair.

Once his eyes fall on me again, Taka confidently answers, "Yes. I am that stranger. No doubt about that and no doubt about me being Taka of ONE OK ROCK."

"For someone like me's hard to believe that you can be both," I reply back while starting to walk backward and turn around to walk away.

"Where are you going?!" Taka yells out to me.

"Home..! Let's just pretend we never met! It's better that way," I say my last words to him without looking back.

"Y/N! What happened?!" F/N shouts as she watches me run right when I exit through the door.

It's better this way.

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