Chapter 8: No Scared

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"I don't blame you."

"For what?"

"I don't blame you for getting mad at me. I also didn't know you were so into our music," Taka says with an interested change of voice at the end as he turns his head to gaze into my eyes.

Gazing into his eyes, Taka's dilated pupils glow because of the rays of sun that carefully hits his face.

"Well, thanks for understanding..and what of it? I just like it okay?"

Just like it? That was an absolute lie. I love their music! Their lyrics, the way they play their instruments to make an amazing melody...It tears me up just listening to their songs, but I can never say that to his face.


As for C/N, she's playing with other children about her age in the snow while Taka and I sit on top of a short cement wall that surrounds some pine trees and bushes. From where we are C/N can clearly be seen.

"This wasn't supposed to happen...," I whisper while trailing my eyes down below me that is covered in what looks like white fluff from where we are sitting.

"You were supposed to continue on with your own perfect life while I went on with mine! There really is no point in seeing each other like this again."

"Why not? I'm like any other guy-"

"Who lives the dream of being in a famous rock band, spreading the music you guys create throughout the world. As for me..I'm just a normal college student. Another fangirl. Doesn't that bother you?"

Taka scoffs and replies, staring deeply into my eyes, "Not at all. Yeah, it's crazy things happened this way, but nothing about that bothers me. You don't bother me."

"More snow!" C/N shouts.

Pure white flakes start falling from the sky as if it were falling like white petals from a flower. As time passes by, the descending flakes make the ground grow taller. Fluttering my eyes I can see the tiniest of particles resting on the tips of my eyelashes. While I feel the snow silently kiss the apples of my cheeks, I feel a gentle touch of warmth against the skin of my forehead. Taka sweeps the many strands of hair that slightly covers the sides of my face with his delicate touch of hot-blooded fingers to let it rest behind my ear. When he's done, Taka examines my face, mostly looking into the orbs of my eyes as I look deep into his. With his palm and fingers now rested on one side of my jaw, Taka starts to caress my left cheek with his thumb, wiping away the fallen miniature balls of snow. And when he does that, my cheeks can't help but slightly blush a deep red by his touch.

"Y/N, I want to go up the hill where S/N is at!!"

With the unexpected shouting of my little cousin, Taka pulls his hand away to let it rest next to his hip on the corner of the short cement wall we're sitting on. Our heads bob and our eyes both wander down to look at C/N.

"A-Alright let's go then!"

I immediately jump down, not being afraid to roughly land on the thick layered snow that covers the ground. Taka does the same. And once we do, C/N is seen running towards us.

"Taka, are you going to come with us?" C/N innocently asks.

Taka lightly chuckles and replies, "Sorry, I can't C/N. I have to go see my friends now. They're looking for me."

"Aw! You're so fun and cool and-"

"That's enough C/N...You heard the guy. Let's go," I cut C/N off while grabbing her hand.

"Hey! Don't forget your phone."

"How..? Why do you have my phone??"

"You're always losing it," Taka teases as he dangles the phone in his hand.

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