Chapter 17: I Know

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A u t u m n

One whole year has already passed-way too many hours, minutes, and seconds that have already passed by since I haven't felt his presence, seen him, nor' heard his voice

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One whole year has already passed-way too many hours, minutes, and seconds that have already passed by since I haven't felt his presence, seen him, nor' heard his voice.

This is no surprise, but contact hasn't been that great with him and it's for the same usual reason. He has a busy life. I do too now that I'm the person I am actually proud to be. It may not seem much, but one year can make a huge difference. Although we have contacted each other a few times through cell or social media, we haven't met in person since that day, making me slowly lose my notion of fate.

I recently finally finished college and got my degree. Not too long after, a huge business under a widely known company hired me and, of course, I happily took the job, especially since I majored in their area. With the amount of schooling I went through, it helped me gain a good amount of money to support myself.

At a time like this, anyone would think of something along such lines as, "Isn't it time for you to just be with Taka?"

Or maybe, "You should've just been with him a long time ago."

Among the amount of time that has passed, there was not a day that I thought about Taka and everything that happened that day. Every day I also took consideration of such words. And every day since then, I regretted my decision of responding him with an approval after hearing that he would actually be patient for someone like me to be his. Thinking back, I said I wasn't going to make any more regrets...

How wrong I am.

At least I am currently a stronger person than who I was when Taka last saw me, including confident. Confident enough to be by his side wherever and most importantly, whenever. I know for a fact now that I am someone who will truly put my full trust in Taka and accept his feelings wholeheartedly. Instead of relying on coincidences to create my fate, I suppose I just have to make it happen now. I'll have to officially meet up with Taka in person and-

"Y/N, are you even listening?" my mother questions me with concern in her voice, interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry...What did you say..?" I hesitantly reply and look up so that my eyes aren't narrowed to the ground anymore.

"Just repeat it again, honey," my father says this time while repositioning himself in his seat next to my mother on our comfy couch in the living room of our house. I am also sitting down on one of the couches but to the side of them.

"We were just talking about how you are already almost thirty years old and how it's time for you know..get married."

"To help speed things up for you, I know someone from a close friend and client of mine who I think you'll like. I approve of him too."

"Go meet up with him this afternoon at 1:00 PM | 13:00 His name is FCFS/N."

"I already talked to FCF/N and even got a hold of his son to talk about all of this and we came to an agreement."

"What? I-Is this right now an arranged marriage that has to do with your company and its connection with your so-called close friend?"

"C'mon Y/ know that times are tough right now. We have been desperately needing the money for so many years now and out of nowhere this only opportunity that we have is given."

"I know and I can't blame you for forcing me into this situation, but I'm sorry...There is no way I can go through something like this."

Especially since I already have someone else.

• • • •

"It won't hurt to at least meet the guy.."


After leaving my parents behind at the house, I go out to walk along the streets of the city while ranting to F/N about what just happened between me and my parents.

"I mean- your parents aren't wrong and they're just trying to help you out. If this works out for you and this FCFS/N guy, then there's a win-win. You finally get yourself a man and your parents get the money they need."

"Between FCFS/N and I..It won't work out."

"And why is that?....This is about Taka isn't it? Ugh, it's already been a year since you haven't seen him. Probably even since you last talked to him, huh? If this keeps up who knows what will happen or what could have happened by now."

"That's not true! The last time we talked was...anyways..! Before you were telling me to go after him and now you're telling me to go after another guy?"

"Well, I made a mistake. I didn't think he would actually be another risk of breaking your heart through a similar method of cheating."

"You know I won't ever let that happen to me again..and knowing Taka, he wouldn't ever do that," I confidently answer F/N back before purposely hanging up on her.

After walking a few more steps, I stop, but not because I'm at the destination I want to reach, but because I hear someone call my name.

"You're Y/N right? I'm FCFS/N."

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