Chapter 2: Can't Waste a Minute

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"So? How is your first day so far in Japan?" S/N asks when she spots me in her temporary office during her lunch break.

"It's alright. I guess you can say I already made a new friend," I reply in a bit of a depressing tone.

"Really? Already?"

"But I know I'm never going to see him again, so it doesn't matter. I already had lunch by the way."

"It's a guy?! Was he cute? Did you get his number?" S/N freely asks, giving me all of her attention.

"Woah woah woah. You're asking too many questions at once! And definitely no to the last one," I reply while flailing my hands in front of her.

"So he was cute. I don't know why you didn't get his number then," S/N says as she rolls her eyes at me while taking another bite of her sandwich.

"I have to get back to work. Here. You can have the rest of my sandwich. I'll be done at around 7:00 PM | 19:00."


Great. I am again left alone, but this time holding a leftover sandwich from my sis.

• • • •

Time flies and it's already 5:30 PM | 17:30. After visiting my sister, I decided to take a walk around the small city to find what souvenirs to buy for any of my friends and family back at home. How can everything in every store be so interesting and adorable??

Two Japanese girls that look like high school students are fangirling in front of a poster that's taped onto the window of the shop I'm about to go in. After they take a picture of it and leave, I can't help but go up to it. And it turns out to be a poster stating that a band called Crossfaith is having a concert in Japan before touring to other places in Asia.

"It's tomorrow?!"

I didn't mean to scream that out loud, but I love these guys and their music! I can't believe they're having a concert in this area tomorrow.

Looks like some luck is on my side.

• • • •

"A concert tomorrow? Do you even have enough money to buy the ticket at the door?"

"Actually, yes and probably enough for another person. You wanna come with me?"

"No way."

"Why not?"

S/N heaves a sigh while sorting out some pictures she took earlier today that sits on top of a shiny, wooden desk next to the flat screen television in the room.

"It's not like I don't want to, I just don't have the time. I'm working overtime tomorrow because I'm working on this huge project for work. This is pretty important to me Y/N, sorry."

"Oh. It's fine. I'll just go alone then," I reply as I grab a snack to make myself feel at least a little better.

• • • •

It's already the day of Crossfaith's concert.

I'm so excited that I wake up early just to sort out a perfect outfit that I'm going to wear. I also count how much money I'm going to bring to get myself in. I probably won't get good seats, but at least I'm going to see them.

After getting ready, I leave the hotel to first find a good place to eat at for breakfast. My older sister left early again to go to work, so as usual, I am alone again.

Before I knew it, 4:00 PM | 16:00 came. I know the line is going to be long, so I head to where the concert is going to be held fast, following the map on my phone.

And I was right.

The never-ending line that I now see right in front of me is full of fangirls and fanboys from all ages. Looking at the very front where tickets are supposed to be sold, luckily they aren't sold out yet. I turn out to be one of the last people to get one.

It takes a few more hours of patience until it's time for the security in charge to scan our tickets and go in. After successfully getting in, I want to get into the main room without any hesitation, but first...I have to use the bathroom. Of course, my tiny bladder has to be full at this time. Eugh.

By the time I get done, the halls are almost completely empty. Security guards are the only people to be seen guarding the doors. The concert isn't starting yet, it seems since there is barely any excitement happening. Without much thought, I run to where the two security guards are at.


「あ! ごめ。。。」
("Ah! Gome...")
("Ah! Sor...")

Still rubbing my forehead, I apologize to the person I bump into and bow to show respect.


But as my eyes fall on the person in front of me-

"It's Stranger!"


The guy that I saw yesterday afternoon is now just a few inches in front of me.

"Yeah! Remember me from yesterday???"

I'm so happy to see him again that I'm not even paying attention to any of my words or actions. Because of that, to the side of my eye, I see the security guards that never moved from their position in front of the doors give me a strange look.

"Oh yeah. How can I forget? You spent my money."

I roll my eyes.

"Get over it. Oh, are you here to see Crossfaith too?"

The guy I still call a stranger hesitates to say his words for a second.

"Yeah..I was just heading out there to go watch them," the stranger replies and points to the door that spells something in big, bold letters.

"Backstage?! Wow..You're lucky. Well, it's about to start, so I'm heading in. Nice seeing you again," I say as I flash a genuine smile at him.

"You too," the stranger says back, flashing another one of his small smiles right back at me while casually waving with his right hand.

The guy stands there glancing at me from time to time until he sees me enter through the doors. Looks like he was making sure I got in? I don't know, but I really didn't expect to see him again. Seriously, what a coincidence.

Why can't this happen when I want to see my favorite idols?

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