Chapter 12: Stuck in the Middle

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Taka's Point of View

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Taka's Point of View

I have never met anyone like her before. Someone so unpredictable, random...crazy. Whenever I'm with this chick, there's not a day where normality fits in. Each day is different. And that is what I like about her. The more I spend time with her..the more I get to know her, the more I like her.

Instead of 'like' there is the word called love, but that's a strong word to use that I don't know if it is an appropriate thing to say in this situation. Saying something like that will just make me confused. It's because I'm the type of guy that takes things seriously. Maybe sometimes too seriously, but I know that being with Y/N right now makes me feel relaxed. That I can let go of my worries for a moment so there is no stress. I wish it was like this for me all the time. Even though I am living the dream with the guys, there's always those ups and downs, which is understandable because that's how life is. I don't regret wasting my time with someone like her at all. I don't know if she completely accepts the real side of me, but I'll continue to stay by her side. I'll continue to be her friend that supports her one hundred percent through her own ups and downs.

After walking along the shoreside for a while, Y/N starts getting tired, so we find something to sit on that still has a nice view of the ocean. Eventually, we come upon a huge log that Y/N forces me to drag out from a place near the woods. Only at that moment did I want to take back what I said about being stress-free.

"Even though you say you don't work out, you're stronger than you look," Y/N says after throwing her pair of heels down on the sand and flopping down to sit on top of the log that's long enough for both of us to sit on.

"I'm surprised myself," I reply bending down to comfortably sit next to her.

This is the longest I've been awake for a while. My phone died and probably Y/N's too, so it's definitely way past midnight. Slowly lifting my head to look up at the sky, the stars are starting to fade into transparency to match the indigo colored sky. That means the sun is about to rise soon. Not too soon though, because it's still a bit dark out.

"You're quiet. Too quiet. You're getting sleepy, huh? We probably should get going then..."


Just as I'm about to get up, Y/N put her hands out, squeezing my bicep to stop me. Once she realizes what she's doing, she let go and drops her eyes to the body of sand beneath our feet and between our toes.

"I don't want to leave just yet. If you can just go. You must be busy-"

"You're right. But not busy enough to stop being with you," I cut her off while sitting back down.

"Wow. Well, I feel special..."

For a minute there, Y/N looked a bit surprised and shy..?

To pass the time, Y/N and I continue to talk to each other. We go from having serious conversations to unnecessary conversations. When I want to ask her something though, I feel something tickling the side of my bare neck, causing my head to jerk. Carefully do I lower my head to steal a glance of a fallen asleep Y/N. She is sound asleep with her head resting against my broad shoulder. I can't help but have the need to snigger.

She actually fell asleep.

After gently moving her hairs that fall across her beautiful face, looking at her close up like this, Y/N looks so peaceful that I don't want to wake her up. Just as I decided to let her be, the sun starts to finally rise. From where we're sitting, the sun looks like a glowing ball rising up from the deep depths of the sea. Watching the pleasing setting, I don't want to take my eyes off of it like how I didn't want to take my eyes off of Y/N's peaceful face just a second ago. But I eventually do before slipping into oblivion.

Your Point of View

"Why'd you wake me up? I'm still sooo tired!" I complain to Taka while he forcefully pushes my back with one of his hands as we walk together through the forest.

"Usually someone would apologize for doing something like that and bring themselves to walk on their own.."

"Well, I'm not that someone who you so speak of."

"You're the one who wanted to stay longer."

"Urgh. Whatever.."

How funny. We sound like a bickering couple.

Somehow I ended up falling asleep and most likely on Taka's shoulder. How embarrassing...I didn't know when or how, but I did. When he woke me up, I found myself staring at not only Taka's handsome face but squinting at the sight of the brightness of the sun's rays. Once I woke up, Taka helped me put my heels back on and forced me to get up. For some reason, I didn't want to believe that the reason why Taka was in a rush for us to leave was because of his busy schedule. I know that he is a busy guy, but I don't want that to get in the way of us....Us? What exactly do I mean by that..?

"I'll be right back. I'm going to ask if we can use their phone-"


Just as Taka was about to take his hand away from my back and leave my side, we hear the sound of a man's voice from a few feet away.


"What are you still doing here? And still dressed up like that.."

As E/N gets closer, he slowly looks at me from head to toe. I can also hear his voice trail off into a whisper as he says his last words. It's obvious he's skeptical of seeing Taka and I together like this.

"Um well, you see..."

"Y/N and I took a long walk near the ocean and before we knew it the sun was already up."

"Huh. How romantic," E/N replies before chuckling at the thought.

"Yeah," I sarcastically spoke before awkwardly laughing at what's happening.

Taka saved me again.

"Do you need a ride? I was just checking over things here to make sure everything was cleaned up and taken care of."

"Sure that would be great."

"Just follow me."

Taka and I do as we are told and follow E/N to his truck. Taka ends up sitting in the front while I sit in the back. Looking at the situation, being in the same vehicle with these two makes me realize something...I am in a rare case that usually happens in movies, shows, or whatever. I just want it all to end, especially this uncomfortable silence that fills the air with tension.

"So what do you do?" E/N finally speaks, asking Taka a simple question.

"I'm a singer in a rock band."

"Oh wow really? What band?"


"Wait, what?! Are you serious?? You said you're the singer?"

Seeing the excitement in E/N's eyes causes Taka to suddenly laugh out loud.

"Yeap. My name is Taka."

Seeing the look on E/N's face it's as if he can't believe what he's hearing. His eyes also look like they are about to pop out of its sockets.

Since when did he like ONE OK ROCK anyway??

Once the light hits red, he turns his head to speak to Taka again.

"I love your guys' music. Along with Issues, Crown the Empire...Man, this is crazy. How did you end up meeting this one back here?"

"Uh. Excuse me..???"

"I'm kidding, Y/N. Well, you got yourself a keeper."

"But we're not- I mean...Thanks..?"

And Taka just now agreed.

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